I'm going to make a set of paper lanterns illuminated by progammable LEDs, which can be controlled through a web UI. My interface is inspired by RGB keyboards, which allow the user to setup light/animation profiles for groups of lights.
This is a multi-part project, recommended by intermediate to advanced tinkerers. You should be comfortable with a soldering iron to complete the build.
Here's what I'll cover in my instructions:
- Planning
- Materials list
- Calculate length of NeoPixels strands
- Raspberry Pi setup - check out How to Bootstrap a Raspberry Pi.
- Cut and solder NeoPixel array.
- Install, configure, and run RPi-Neo-Lantern app
- Interactively configure groups of Neopixels in each lantern (@todo)
- Connect NeoPixel array to a breadboard
- Mount Lights & Solder final build to the Raspberry Pi GPIO
On the software side, my interface can power 2 light configurations:
- 5 lanterns in a series, with each lantern's LEDs grouped.
- A variable-length strand of LEDs (useful for testing/tinkering)
Additional features I'd like to add to the software:
- Interval-based light animations
- Bio-rhythm lighting, which automatically adjusts the color temperature of the light strand. Inspired by f.lux & Twilight.