
The Internet of Wood Stoves (IoWS)!!!

A project log for Wireless wood stove monitor

Wirelessly monitor the combustion gases temperature inside a wood stove’s chimney.

michelMichel 02/18/2016 at 13:160 Comments

Yes! My wood stove monitor’s data is now received by my Power Monitor and pushed to my channel on ThingSpeak.

The data is transmitted to another address on the same channel. I did it this way because nRF’s pipes work only for one receiver with multiple transmitter. On the Power Monitor side there is another DirtyPCB to handle the nRF24L01+. By using my “nRF platform” 99% of the code was already done! All I had to do is write some code the receive the formatted data on the second serial port available on the Power Monitor. Interconnecting them was a snap: Vcc, Gnd & Data!

Sneak peek at my power monitor:
