
C++ wins again

A project log for Digital joystick (8-bit) to USB adapter

Connect two digital joysticks (C64/128/Atari/Amiga era) as USB game controllers

maciej-witkowiakMaciej Witkowiak 02/10/2016 at 22:380 Comments

I have just rewritten joystick code in fully object-oriented fashion.

Earlier DigitalJoystick constructor needed 13 arguments (USB Joystick handle, 5 pins, 5 keys, potx and poty). Now it is constructed from objects xAxis, yAxis and trigger.

Comparison side by side is here.

I put "again" in the title because of earlier experiences from my other project (check out "Programming" section). It is actually more efficient to write fully object-oriented code for 8-bit microcontroller.

