
The Low-Cost ChipWhisperer

A project log for ChipWhisperer®: Security Research

ChipWhisperer laughs at your AES-256 implementation. But it laughs with you, not at you.

colin-oflynnColin O'Flynn 02/27/2015 at 17:040 Comments

It's happening! For the past few months I've been working on making a lower-cost version of the ChipWhisperer. I've now completed enough prototype tests to be confident of my ChipWhisperer-Lite:

Because the cool thing to do is have crowd-funding, I'm running a Kickstarter to make this widely available! The assembled/tested boards will go for about $180 USD. The single-unit Digikey parts cost is about $90 USD and it's a 4-layer PCB, so it's a pretty reasonable price (I think). Of course it's still open-source so you can build your own or do whatever else you want.

I'll have more details of this coming up, but the Kickstarter is live so please check it out! I've got some prototype boards made up already so plan on having a give-away if there is enough to spare (got to check they all work first).
