
Initial Commit.

A project log for RPi Zero WiFi-Enabled Hardware Password Manager

Codename Hardpass: A Password Manager on the Raspberry Pi Zero...suffering featuritis.

girgir 02/07/2016 at 16:370 Comments

I started this project about a week ago and have managed to tick off some items off my TODO-list.


for me to continue I will need a USB-UART-Adapter (already ordered from China), so I can send HID commands (When you are sending key presses to the computer you are using to SSH into the Pi, it gets frustrating really quickly). Then the LCD and the button matrix have to be wired, so I can write and test code for in- and output. Finally, the ESP needs to be hooked up and configured to connect to my router (built on a RPi B; see:

Some Python / C also needs to be written to connect those pieces (HID, OLED, matrix).
