
Looking into Other 2D Graphics

A project log for Juliet Magic Mirror

An IoT device that displays the weather, news, time, and can play music: all on a beautiful, clean interface

matt-lagarenneMatt Lagarenne 03/18/2016 at 15:100 Comments

So I've been looking into 2D graphics programming recently because I was a little displeased with pygame's performance ( I'm a gamer at heart so I love that smooth 60 FPS :) ). I was looking into the specs of the Raspberry Pi models that I owned and noticed that pretty much all of the RPi's use the same graphics processor. This processor supports OpenGL ES, an implementation of OpenGL for Embedded Systems (hence the name...). In addition to OpenGL, there is another standard by Khronos (the group that maintains OpenGL) called OpenVG - a 2D vector drawing API for hardware-accelerated graphics. If I could develop a C library for this and then make python bindings for it, it could potentially save me lots of CPU power. Before I switch though I should check to see if pygame is already using this API. Alternatively, I could look into this repository I found: This is a project for exploring OpenVG on the Raspberry Pi. I should take a look into this at some point in the future to see if I could integrate it instead of writing my own libraries.
