hello people
anyone have any idea to create a .inc file
i need it to create a default bom template
what does it have to contain?
suppose to change a default temperature for all sim profile :
we have to provide this in .inc file
what header and footer it should have
can't you just write that in a text editor?
yes i can write and save as .inc but when i include in sim. settings and simulate it gives me error
so, i was curious that what is the excat format to write a include file. any header or footer
i am not getting any relevant results from google search
well, it would very much depend on the program you are trying to use it with, since we have no idea what that is, it's hard to help you
I would check the documentation of that "sim" thing, whatever that is
sim= simulation
circuit simulation? resturant simulation? rollercoaster simulation?
circuit simulation in PSpice
.INC is a statement in PSpice
its a file to be included in Capture or Pspice to change Default settings
to change the tempaerature you neet to set it via .OPTIONS
General Formats : .OPTIONS |option name ...| or .OPTIONS (|option name|=|value| ...) The .OPTIONS command is used to set all options, limits, and control parameters for the various analyses. There are two types of options : flags and value options. The flag options can just be listed, the value options need a specific value to be assigned to it.
.INC does not require a header or footer - could you share your out file?
e.g. the following 1-line INC file will work: .OPTIONS VNTOL=1u
are you writing TNOM=35? it needs to be .options TNOM=35
yes true i tried it before,,, in notepad i wrote .options TNOM=35 and saved is a .inc file and included in edit simulation window config tab to include a include file but got simulation error that the model was not found... but all models are from my inbuilt library
Did you set up the library file from configuration files (edit simulation settings)?
Looks like PSpice could not find the model definition, not a INC file issue.
yes i checked all.. once i remove the inc file i get my simulation result
PSpice vs Free.pdf
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PSpice: In regards to my question of why I would choose PSPice vs any free simulator available in the market, I found this good document explaining the difference. Well explained!
let me give you guys the error message
yes. that would help
nobody asked why you would use pspice
ronak thanks for the file
Well I did yesterday, I got a good document so I shared it
it will really help
as an Application Engineer people keep on asking me why i should use PSpice
You welcome Sandeep :)
@Abha Jain here is the error report:
* Profile Libraries :
* Local Libraries :
* From [PSPICE NETLIST] section of C:\Users\sandeep\AppData\Roaming\SPB_Data\cdssetup\OrCAD_PSpice\17.2.0\PSpice.ini file:
.lib "nomd.lib"
.inc "C:\Users\sandeep\Desktop\Test.inc"
*Analysis directives:
**** INCLUDING Test.inc ****
option TNOM=37
ERROR(ORPSIM-16407): Missing model
**** RESUMING test.cir ****
.TRAN 0 100m 0 0.1m
.PROBE64 V(alias(*)) I(alias(*)) W(alias(*)) D(alias(*)) NOISE(alias(*))
.INC "..\SCHEMATIC1.net"
* source TEST
R_R1 N00092 N00099 1k TC=0,0
C_C1 0 N00099 1n TC=0,0
V_V1 N00092 0 AC 0
+SIN 0 10 50 0 0 0
**** RESUMING test.cir ****
Instead of option, it needs to be .options
start with a dot character
i did that see
file attached
oh right got the result at 37 tnom. thanks a lot for the help
You are welcome!
and i have one more query about the derating file.
recently i got to know how to add different derating for different ref des of same component type say resistor
but what if i create a part in capture add a pspice template to it, how should i add the parameter which result in derating or say smoke parameter for a IC
also adding to it what does 'weight' means in 'optimizer'. no where it is mentioned in user guides n all i am really confused... is it related to priority?
Derating can be added for any device which are supported in SMOKE
Say for example if I want to add derating - output current derating for Opamp, I need to define a new derate Type - define derate value for different parameter say - Output current. Then associate this new derate type on my IC which is Opamp in Capture
For this you need to update the property "Derate_Type" on IC instance in Capture
yes actually i have to create it for that particular IC as it didnt have this specified property

can you please suggest on the 'weight' in optimizer
Good morning!
Has the chat started ahead of time?
@Sandeep1994.roy - Weight in Optimizer - is basically a way to indicate certain Goal is more important than others. So a goal with weight 2 would be given more importance than a goal with weight 1.
@Alok ok so it means priority
@Alok and @Abha Jain welcome- you may have to answer these questions again once we officially start the chat
thanks for being here though! I think it's pretty late where you are, right?
Good Morning Sophi... Looking forward to a great session today!
Good morning! me too!
super excited
so- we officially start in about 32 minutes, but you can feel free to "pre-chat"
when we start, I'll ask you all to introduce yourselves and then we'll take questions from the comments here: https://hackaday.io/event/96006-pspice-hack-chat-with-cadence
@Josh Starnes have you entered that into the Hackaday Prize?
any suggestion about microcontroller, processor and fpga simulations? for microcontroller its fin we can rig up the circuit >> generate part and use it as a library for simulation but any suggestion for fpga?
@Sandeep1994.roy You can use PSpice Device Modeling Interface to model digital functional logic using high level language C/C++ and simulate with rest of PSpice circuit.
is there any RAK for it in COS? because i have very less idea for coding languages
@Sandeep1994.roy - Yes it is. And as application engineer at FTD you should have these details :)
Thanks for the info
and this is NOT the Spice Girls chat? :)
Hi all
Haha, nope it's about PSpice
hey @ZiggyInKC !
hiya Soph!
Hello everyone :)

Stephen Tranovich says:11:02 AM
Hi all! Excited for the chat!!
Hello all
hi @Taylor Street !
hello. Hack Chat time?
@Dave Blundell It starts in 2-3 mins I think
We're starting now!
Welcome @nitint
We have a few people here from PSpice
and we'd like to get started with introductions
so... @Alok and @Abha Jain , can you please introduce yourselves
and give us some idea of what part of PSpice you work on?
Hello @Alok
Hello Everyone - This is Alok Tripathi. I am Product Engineering Architect at Cadence. I am happy to be here and chat with you about PSpice.
Hi everyone! I am in PSpice R&D, have worked with PSpice for almost 10 years now!
I am an EE, with 24 years of industry experience and worked with PSpice since my college days as student, designer and within factory in various roles.
Happy to be here too!
I work primarily with PSpice simulation engine.
How old is this tool? I read this is version 17.2 what it means?
Short answer: 34-year-old software
(PSpice was released in January 1984, and was the first version of UC Berkeley SPICE available on an IBM Personal Computer.
OrCAD merged with MicroSim to acquire PSpice, a PC-based analog and mixed-signal simulation software for designing PCB systems.
In July of 1999, OrCAD and its product line were acquired by Cadence Design Systems)
Release 17.2-2016 is the latest version of this software. Cadence is continuously updating PSpice at regular interval.
What is the EDA software called?
I've used primarily ltspice. compare and contrast pspice and ltspice functionality?
PSpice has superset of LTspice
Please add your questions to the comments here: https://hackaday.io/event/96006-pspice-hack-chat-with-cadence
364 KB
thix @Abha Jain
@Dave Blundell You can download free version of PSpice from http://www.PSpice.com