

A project log for Servo-Stock

A Kossel derivative to show off a new PID control framework and command system called the Bowler Communication System.

kevin-harringtonKevin Harrington 06/19/2014 at 02:121 Comment

This the Peek-a-Bot, he is installed on Front street in Worcester MA, across from the City Hall. Paula Rudy made the puppet and I used the ServoStock frame on its side as a puppet holder. Those rotated free arms are helping keep it stiff under a lot of load. I think, however, i will need the third upper arm...


jeff.ballard.86 wrote 06/29/2014 at 12:11 point
what kind of print speed are you aiming for? The servos being used seem a little slow, and loud. Are there other possibilities that would allow the use of different servos?

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