
First test rides

A project log for The ERB (Electric Rescue Bike)

An electric motorcycle designed around stringent requirements of weight, power and durability for use in deep woods rescue missions.

adam-curtisAdam Curtis 03/08/2016 at 03:111 Comment

I've gotten all of the electronics wired up and the drive system built too! I've been riding the bike around campus. It pops a wheelie really well, but the gear ratio is 3 times to low. I will be CNC milling a new front sprocket in the next week or so to get my top speed up to 30mph. That will still leave me with LOTS of good torque and a decent top speed as well.

I still need to fabricate guards for the belt drive and the front sprocket.

Also I need to buy a charger for a 16 series LiPo battery. Any suggestions?


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Thomas Gates wrote 03/10/2016 at 01:39 point

I bought a BMS for my e-bike from a electric car parts manufacturer. I added a link below if your interested, Its a bit of a pain to solder all the balance leads but hopefully it helps.

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