
D-DAQ Mainboard [v3.4] BOM

A project log for D-DAQ

automotive parameter & performance monitor & logger

michael-obrienMichael O'Brien 06/28/2014 at 10:030 Comments

It's in my links, but in case you don't see it, here is my part list on Mouser that I've been using. I've finished updating it with all of the passives. I do need to make a test version attributing part names to the part, but the actual parts and quantity are accurate for the mainboard revision "Proto 3.4".

Edit: Link removed. There are a few problems with the list and I'm correcting them now. I'll post the link on the main page when it has been corrected.

Since there are still problems with the design, I've not wanted to released it. As it stands:

Everything else should be fine, but I won't know until I fully test the prototype etc. After work today, I'll upload the schematic and board layout to GitHub. I need to annotate various portions of work.

From this BOM I'll be able to jot out the Display Boards much more quickly.
