
Proto v3.5 & Et al.

A project log for D-DAQ

automotive parameter & performance monitor & logger

michael-obrienMichael O'Brien 07/04/2014 at 10:280 Comments

Change log to the design files

Edit: Parts list reflects v3.5 changes. Link to screen shot of expanded board space.

You can grab the individual files or a zip of them all from my GitHub account. When I have the chance, I will add up a library for the components and modifications to them, but Eagle does make this an easy task.

I still need to order more parts for the Display Board and stuff some adapter boards. Due to shot stopper problems that have now been fixed in the design, I will not be able to test ambient temperature and pressure or EGTs. I'm considering adjusting the SRAM's footprint and the octal D-latches to allow more pad to show as the pins stick over and I'm using the manufacturer's suggested footprint, which is usually generous, no?

Aside from spending the day on that, I stuffed the QFN SMPS regulator, 5V LDO, PIC32MX795, SRAM, latches, I2C-to-SPI IC, primary oscillator and associated LDO, my SSRs and the uSD card slot. Ended up bending 2 pins on the uC by snagging them with the braid while removing solder bridges, but they didn't break, there is no contact with neighboring pins, and there is no solder bridge. This endeavor was aided by a USB microscope.

My Pickit 3 should arrive with my parts on Saturday so I can finish stuffing the board. A few days behind my planned deadline, but not too far off. Unless there is something I missed, this board is complete enough to do the majority of testing I need, though I'll have to make some hard decisions on where or not to order up v3.5 of the prototype or wait until or if I do a redesign for a daughter board power supply subsystem.

I'm still looking at JTAG interfaces. The Flyswatter2. I'm going to be doing pretty quick timing in hardware so getting close to the 40 MHz max JTAG clock on the PIC32 is desired. ICSP is only up to 10 MHz for programming. Either way, work continues and it's time for sleep.
