
Nearly there...

A project log for ELLO 2M

The DIY laptop built entirely from PCB

knvdKn/vD 03/22/2016 at 21:001 Comment

Waiting for the last pieces to arrive, and I will be able to assemble the 'release' revision at last.

Came up with a new way to keep the boards together, which will spell the end of these ugly looking hexagonal clinch nuts as in the pictures of the first prototype. I managed to find M2.5x6mm standoffs which fortunately fit exactly into the holes of the panel. On both side there will be ultra-thin head screws. Got them too already as well.

Oh, can't wait to receive the new boards...


Eric Hertz wrote 03/26/2016 at 23:40 point

Clinch-nuts are pretty cool, never knew the name, so thanks for that. But, yeah, I imagine screw-heads would look nicer.

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