

A project log for Amateur Rockets

Progress of Elon University's Rocket Team on making a rocket fly to 10,000 ft.

keeley-collinsKeeley Collins 01/14/2017 at 23:140 Comments

I don't really have anything new to report, just some pictures of our progress on our full scale rocket.

This was just me messing around by putting the 1/2 scale rocket's nose cone (we reprinted it) on the motor mount of the rocket. It looks like it could be a rocket that way though.

This is the motor mount next to the portion of the body tube that it will sit inside. For our launch in the competition, the motor will fill that entire thing. You can get a better sense of the scale if you go to the gallery on this page and view the full scale image.

This is part of the e-bay. We have our altimeter in there right now. The e-bay isn't finished yet.

We should be finishing up in a few days!
