11Step 11
Before starting sewing every part together, we have some work to be done on the boxing & Cie.
Remember the reference drawing we took ? Here it is !
Aside from the main package, we have little niceties to go along with it
What about making the future owner aware of the insides ?..
.. and this is the drawing that gets revaled when the pluche is taken out of its package :P
Te be more exhaustive on what can be done with Me4e, there's also a little how-to
So far, so good, here's what we've prepared:
Those little things on the right 'll be used to have cleaner ends on the satin ribbon we'll use
We also have some tiny Me4e for the ribbons ( I used a heating iron to make the transfer )
See ? we're making progress :)
A little warning here: even if you need a bag to put a gift into, don't forget plastic hates heating iron trasnfer ;) ..
.. instead, find your way to a textile one:
Now that we have mostly everything, we can finish the boxing, starting by writing apologizes for not making this in time for Valentine's day ( yet in the evening, so this works ? )
Quick overview of the work done by now:
12Step 12
Now, the "big part": we have nearly four hours to have finished, we don't have any "good" solder left, and we're not quite sure how to stuff everything we did together t ofit in the pluche ..
Since we gotta start somewhere, we'll test the battery circuit, then try powering the uC, and then tin the head's wires
I used an external breakout for battery charging with an external on/off switch ( It 'll reside on the back, behind the SD backpak )
13Step 13
Now we're pretty confident that our uC is powered up correctly, we have to solder all the stuff to its pins, starting with the SD card ones.
We also test that we our uC is free enough to be moved in the desired location ( where it connects to the internal USB port )
Once this is done, we prepare the wires that 'll connect to the head parts -
14Step 14
Yay !!! Packing-up time !! Will we make it [ in time ?! ] ?
Last battery test before finishing packing up
Here we can see the on/off switche that 'll reside behind the SD backpack.
Also, we have the reset button in the neck ( matrix-like ? If we had the usbutt* in here, maybe ? )
* but it wouldn't be a "usbutt"** no more :/
** this non-funny pun translates grate in french: "cusb" ( "cul-usb" )
Yup, our switch works ! :D
15Step 15
Now, the following is more a test than something that I had actually working: I couldn't program the NFC tag with my android device, but I had some nice implm ideas
16Step 16
Finishing the boxing, starting with sewing the label to the pluche ..
.. and then jailing Me4e ( poor littl' thing :/ )
Once the package is closed, we use a large ribbon to hide the maximum of the box possible ( for a greater surprise ! ^^ )
Now !
It's thirty past twenty-one, and you gotta hurry up picking some roses before delivering your packaged cutness ;p
17Step 17
Lastly, this is a video of the wip desktop app that's used to adjust settings & update Me4 ( Chrome Packaged App )
18Step 18
And what's not yet done ( hence the "vegetable pluche" statement ): the firmware :)
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