Although this is meant to be a board in general, I also have this 3D file that I could totally scale to fit some EL wire or 3mm LEDs. It doesn't seem to be too accurate though.

but initially this board was intended to be used on the blinking prop seen on 'Empire strikes back'. It's pretty easy to see the 555 with its caps, a 4017 to its right and the two ULN2004s with the 10 resistors for the 10 x 4 LEDs.
The 4 stages:
/* O # O # # # # # O # # # # # O # O # # # # O # # # # # O # O # # # O # O # # # # */
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Is that a screenshot? They actually had the circuitry visible! Awesome!
Heh, I think I have those LEDs, can't seem to find my "yellow" box at the moment, but I found a red one and I think it's the same size as those pictured.
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holy schmoly, I found more than I can count, but they're actually yellow rather'n orange. I bet there's enough here to make two.
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that is an actual screenshot from the kissing scene of Han and Leia in the millenium falcon :) the LEDs seem to be bigger than the 2x5x7 regular square red LEDs though. maybe 2.3mm x7 mm or so.
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So the ones I found (64!) are 0.3in x 0.3in x 0.1in, so spacing on a .1in board doesn't work out, need a .05in offset... but they're definitely yellowish-orange rather'n orangeish-red (heh, those looked orange on my other monitor). Have one red remaining (coulda swore I had *several*, where'd they go?), and pretty sure I still have some green. Some friend gave 'em to me, but three colors, so they must be *somewhat* of a standardish-size...
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I found some declared as '7.5x7x2.5' on ebay, but the red ones were 10euros for 40 LEDs so I took the orange ones for 3euros instead. Not sure why I bought them anyway, when I already have bought 2x5x7 ones in red. Ah well. Classic stocking of stuff I don't need that much..
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