

A project log for NEDONAND homebrew computer

NEDONAND is 8-bit homebrew computer entirely built out of many 74F00 chips (2-input NAND gates)

shaosSHAOS 02/28/2016 at 01:280 Comments

NEDONAND-6 is 8 multiplexers 2:1 with common control (straight select and inverted select):

Board already ordered through OSHPark:

Pins description:

1.1) GND - ground
1.2) O0 - output of multiplexer 0
1.3) O1 - output of multiplexer 1
1.4) O2 - output of multiplexer 2
1.5) O3 - output of multiplexer 3
1.6) O4 - output of multiplexer 4
1.7) O5 - output of multiplexer 5
1.8) O6 - output of multiplexer 6
1.9) O7 - output of multiplexer 7
1.10)SEL - straight select
1.11)/SEL - inverted select
1.12)VCC - power +5V

2.1) A0 - input A of multiplexer 0
2.2) B0 - input B of multiplexer 0
2.3) A1 - input A of multiplexer 1
2.4) B1 - input B of multiplexer 1
2.5) A2 - input A of multiplexer 2
2.6) B2 - input B of multiplexer 2
2.7) A3 - input A of multiplexer 3
2.8) B3 - input B of multiplexer 3
2.9) A4 - input A of multiplexer 4
2.10)B4 - input B of multiplexer 4
2.11)A5 - input A of multiplexer 5
2.12)B5 - input B of multiplexer 5
2.13)A6 - input A of multiplexer 6
2.14)B6 - input B of multiplexer 6
2.15)A7 - input A of multiplexer 7
2.16)B7 - input B of multiplexer 7

It could be connected together with NEDONAND-5 to get 8-bit register with controlled inversion on outputs (useful for register T).


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