
Dash I2S microphone

A project log for Amazon Dash and other STM32 ARM Adventures

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georgeGeorge 03/01/2016 at 16:220 Comments

I've been working to coerce the Amazon Dash's I2S microphone into generating some IRQs with the WICED SDK, but no luck so far.

I've pulled CHIP EN (PC1) high and can see it stay high on my DMM. I've turned on the I2S PLL via the stm32f2xx_spi.c library calls and I get 1.5V measured on SCK (PB10) - without a scope, I'm hoping this is a waveform and not constant voltage.

Here's a staging patch on my GitHub repo. Much of the code is copied and pasted from the STM32F4xx folder in the WICED SDK.


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