Being annoyed with myself that I'd made a PCB for the TCD1304 way larger than needed, I made a new SMD-version. It's slightly more than half the size of the original. I also did my best to keep the analog output away from the digital driving signals, and here is the result:
Because of the re-routing the pin-out on the 10-pin connector is changed:
With the new layout I was hoping to see an improvement in the noise-level, however if there's any improvement, I'm not able to see it. I also see no difference in noise whether or not I feed it 4V from a ultra low noise PSU, or directly from the nucleo's +5V. However I've not tried any very long integrations, so I cannot verify that 5V is as good as 4V.
And of course: Here's an example of a reading of the CCD:
It's a ruler. You can see the twenty nine 1mm marks and that there are two lightsources in the room it was made in.
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