
Layout and boxing

A project log for Rasterphonic Glove

Analog video synthesizer you can touch with a five finger light gun. Makes music too.

russell-kramerRussell Kramer 04/30/2016 at 21:100 Comments

The system has a lot of modules to keep track of now so I've made an overview diagram showing how they're all connected. I'll keep this updated as new modules are added.

I've decided to drop the design goal of an entirely wearable system. The power glove was a sensor interface to the NES not a standalone game system after all. The first two builds had a lot of problems because I was trying to keep everything on the hand and forearm: The first used a stack of small boards that became a nightmare of loose wires in tight spaces and the second was bulky and made hand movement feel clumsy. I could make things smaller by using SMD components and double sided boards, but I think it's more important to use hobbyist friendly DIP components.

The only electronics on the glove are the phototransistors. A five foot cable connects the glove to the sensing and synthesizer circuit boards.

I'm making panels for my modules by cutting punched flatbar into 9" pieces. The flatbar is 1.25" wide with holes 0.75" apart. I've been designing the PCBs so that switches and potentiometers align to these holes. I'll redo the entire panel as a solid piece of acrylic once I'm satisfied with the layout.

From left to right: Audio Board 3, Atari Punk, Z volume Mixer, Rise/Fall speed control, Rise/Fall direction control, Display Board, Warp signal Generator, Warp Line board, Gradient Board.

Wiring is quite messy. I'll make it clean and presentable after I'm past the point of adding new modules and moving things around.


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