To build a computer that is:
-Modular (certain aspects can be removed, replaced or rearranged. An example of this would be a sound card)
-In Kit Form (something that contains all the needed materials and knowledge for someone else to try out building this too)
-Autonomous (It must be able to operate independently, or not, with other electronics)
-Accessible (ANYONE who decides they want to build this computer must be able to understand how to do so from the instructions)
Step One: LEARN
I know NOTHING about computer circuitry. I have always believed the best way to learn was to start by following in someone else's footsteps. I am starting by taking someone else's design to get my head around how my chosen processor works and what I can do with it. Starting with prototyping and then moving on to a more solid object to use.
Step Two: DESIGN
This step involves getting more involved with my build, planning how it is all going to go together. What modular parts I would like to try out and how it will be presented. In this step I will build a working prototype of the final product.
Step Three: PRODUCE
Put all of my work together into a kit that would be ready to pitch to "investors" for example. It will contain ALL components, instructions and software simplified enough for even someone without computer experience, like me at the start of this project, can build this computer.
are you still working on this project?