
Internet Toybox for Twitch and Live Streams

Making audiences part of the show with toys and tools for internet streamers. Supports Twitch now, more on the way.

Similar projects worth following
This Arduino-based system lets video streamers and their audiences interact and have fun in the "real world", directly from the venue's regular chat interface. It supports Twitch now - YouTube is in the works.

Audiences remotely position cameras, change stage lighting, or operate various toys including RGB elements, servos and Lego NXT constructions.

Early audiences have responded with immense interest. I'm actively working on support for more "toys" and venues.

Vid: Toybox 101 from Twitch show Bits Bots Beats:

Vid: Toybox Setup from Uno to Showtime:

See also links, and more to follow. Thanks for watching!

Software Available on GITHub

The Arduino source and cross-platform binaries are available now at the official GITHub repo. Here's what's there:

  1. toyboxcontroller.ino : Toybox Controller Source for Arduino UNO/Compaitble
  2. MBTCPClient.jar : Toybox Serial/Bluetooth Bridge Java Binary
  3. toybridge.cfg : Bridge configuration file with example syntax
  4. rxtx* : Fizzed's mfz-rxtx serial ibrary (incl. Windows DLLs)

I'm working on early-adopter install instructions, but stay tuned for a Twitch sesh soon running through the process. It's basically upload .ino to your Arduino, edit the .cfg file and run the .jar

See It Live on Twitch - Tonight, Probably

If you want to see it in action, check out the video links or just catch one of my live sets: If I'm live, it's live. See for schedule and info.

PS: Check the project "log" entries for breaking news.

  • 1 × Arduino Uno (or Compatible) Toybox controller
  • 1 × Java serial bridge software Available on the GITHub. REQUIRES mfz-rxtx or other working "rxtx" library!
  • 1 × Compatible Linux, Windows or MAC w/USB Runs the bridge software
  • 1 × Twitch user account The system currently supports Twtich, more in the works
  • 1 × Configuration file Edited for your account, bot, mods, and serial ports

View all 7 components

  • Raspberry Pi Version in Works

    Die, Master Monkey!03/29/2016 at 23:22 0 comments

    Release of the PI-Zero may have made the RPI a more attractive option for a public-ready version of "Toybox". I've been exploring that, and the results are very promising and does away with the complicated serial library setup. More action on this front is bound to follow.

    Kit Available Now for Raspberry PI (A/B)


    Included is a setup guide that should get you up to a remote-controlled servo cam:

    It does require the pi-blaster package, available here:

  • Example Circuit

    Die, Master Monkey!03/24/2016 at 00:23 0 comments

    Since it's really up to the streamer what devices they want to connect audiences to, this example simply shows how a servo and an LED would be hooked-up, if one were using the how-to vids I've been doing lately.

    Psst! An important and most excellent change is about to be announced in this project, stay tuned. Thanks for checking it out!

  • Video! Toybox from Uno to Showtime

    Die, Master Monkey!03/18/2016 at 01:26 0 comments

    Yay! Finally a video that covers everything you need to make your own Internet Toybox in hour plus?!

    Okay so clearly there's room for improvement in this department - but this extended episode of my Twitch show "Bits Bots Beats" is the first to document the entire process. In theory, a viewer should learn:

    • WTF is an Internet Toybox and why the crappy name
    • The types Arduino microcontroller to use
    • Where to get/how to use the Arduino code
    • Where to get/how to configure the Java serial bridge
    • Connecting and testing a simple toy (LED)
    • Configuring your chatbot for "high level" commands

    A better setup vid in surely ahead, but for the time being this is The Setup Vid. Hope you dig...vid.

    Toybox Setup from Uno to Showtime

  • Way Better Video

    Die, Master Monkey!03/03/2016 at 22:51 0 comments

    In the first half of my latest Twitch show "Bits Bots Beats", I finally do a Toybox intro that most humans can endure. After some audience warmup, I demo some of the features and then dig into all the gobbledygook behind it, the current state of the project and where I want it to go next.

    Thanks for checking it out! More info on the way.

  • Initial Kit Now Available on GITHub

    Die, Master Monkey!02/29/2016 at 01:08 0 comments

    It ain't pretty but hey at least it's finally up on GITHub - here's a rundown:

    1. toyboxcontroller.ino : Toybox Controller C Source for Arduino UNO Compaitble
    2. MBTCPClient.jar : Toybox Serial/Bluetooth Bridge Java Binary
    3. toybridge.cfg : Bridge configuration file with example syntax
    4. rxtx* : Fizzed's mfz-rxtx serial ibrary (incl. Windows DLLs)

    The Java source isn't included yet - I just have to clean it up a bit more first. Stay tuned, k.

    If you're a Twitch streamer and you've got an Arduino Uno (ish) and a servo, this should be everything you need to get started.

    Next up: Instructions on how to actually get started. ;)

    Thanks for tuning in!

View all 5 project logs

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