
Project RedMatador

Project RedMatador is the whole of an ever expanding IoT system currently being developed. The base of which is a wireless web server.

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Red Matador is an IoT development platform build upon a Raspberry Pi 2 B. The base of the platform is a wireless web server running on the Linux Debian flavor; Raspbian. With Apache2 and PHP5, the fully functional server will host projects that can be manipulated directly through the web. The current website of is hosted on the server and will be the access point to future control of IoT sub projects.


RedMatador 256-bit chromocrytographic coder/decoder
Internet controlled LED

Currently under development:

Internet controlled appliance
Internet controlled stepper motor

Future prospects:

Internet controlled 3D printer
Internet controlled CNC drafter

The first upgrade to the board was the addition of wifi. This was simply done by editing the Linux code to deactivate the Ethernet port and enable the use of a USB wifi dongle.

With the installation and setup of Apache2/PHP5, and the resetting of system permissions, the board was now set up to be used as a server.

Because of a residential gateway and system firewall I had to set up port forwarding. This pinhole in the gateway would allow Internet traffic through port 80 and thus safely allow access to the server from the Internet at large


Matador Lite v1.1 encoded text example

plain - 52.41 kB - 03/31/2016 at 02:07


  • 1 × Raspberry Pi B+ Circuit board
  • 1 × USB wifi dongle Thumb drive style
  • 1 × Arducam 5mp webcam
  • 1 × Prototyping breadboard
  • 1 × red led

View all 6 components

  • Matador lite v1.1

    Alexander_hine03/31/2016 at 02:11 0 comments

    With version 1.1 came the ability to write the encrypted text to file. View results.txt in this projects file section to see an example of some song lyrics ran through the algorithm. If you can decode this I would give you major props. Any hackers want to give it a try?

  • Matador lite v1.0

    Alexander_hine03/30/2016 at 14:20 1 comment

    Matador lite v1.0 cryptographic encoder has been successfully written in Python and tested. This is the alpha test for the eventual Red Matador chromocrytographic encoder that will be the final product. The algorithm is designed as a keyless lite encoder for non-critical data. The idea is creating an encoded version of text/file and being able to decipher it using the embedded logic of the binary file it produces. This "key in the code" format allows anyone with the algorithm to break the code.

  • Internet controlled LED phase 1

    Alexander_hine03/08/2016 at 19:32 0 comments

    The server now has its camera pointed to an LED connected to the raspberry Pi via jumper cables. A php script is used to turn on/off the LED from any internet connected device in the world. Currently the buttons are not working but you can add php commands to the URL to control the LED. By adding gpio.php?on=ON it toggles on and obviously gpio.php?off=OFF turns it off. You have to reload the main index.html (front page) to see the result.

    When the webcam can stream it, the interface will be more practical along with php code being corrected.

    Clicking the on/off button will only give a server erro

  • Wecam phase 2

    Alexander_hine03/07/2016 at 13:56 0 comments

    Wecam is up and running. Currently you have to refresh the browser to update the image. Phase 3 will include javascript to auto-update image. View at

  • Internet controlled webcam phase 1

    Alexander_hine03/07/2016 at 00:58 0 comments

    ArduCam installed to the raspberry Pi and is actively writing to a jpg file. Working on jpg-streamer actively streaming jpg file to port 8080 but it is conflicting with the website. This week I will work on directly embedding the image to the website and refreshing it with code

View all 5 project logs

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