
Last minute bits before the build

A project log for GimbalBot

Gimbaled thrusters, aerospace-grade adhesives, carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers, and inertial measurement units. This is a space project!

zakqwyzakqwy 07/26/2014 at 01:350 Comments

I know, I should hold off on this update until I've actually begun carving apart the 8' length of CFRP square tube sitting in my office. But I'm not going to get started on that until tomorrow, so I figured I'd post a quick update.

Lots of changes to the model; enough that I rolled everything into v09. Most things look the same unless you look closely, but a lot of dimensions changed slightly so it was a fairly lengthy process.

The picture above shows the measured diameter of the bright green prop stand-in disks: 254mm, or 10". Changes with v09:

In preparation for the build, I also broke down the sub-assemblies into drawing packets. They're hastily dimensioned and have minimal notes (such as material, tolerance, stuff like that), but they'll make construction a lot easier:

The drawings are located in the same folders as their respective parts (under /hardware/v09); they share names with the parts they represent, minus the file suffix.

Enough stalling. Prototype build starts tomorrow!
