Close, part 5

A project log for GimbalBot

Gimbaled thrusters, aerospace-grade adhesives, carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers, and inertial measurement units. This is a space project!

zakqwyzakqwy 08/16/2014 at 13:000 Comments

I did a bit of soldering last night:

Magnet wire works really well. It's insulated and just about the right thickness for this work. I tried using other wire previously and it failed miserably. Highly frustrating. Someday I'll get a hot air setup; until then, my trusty WES51 will have to do. After soldering all this stuff together, a few dabs of hot glue secured the potentiometer wires and provided some strain relief to the new resistor taps.

A video showing the servo response with changing R1 values:

I misspoke a few times during the video; the mass attached to the pitch ring doesn't change, that's just an affect of gravity vs pitch ring angle. Also, this would have been easier if I actually had a reasonable potentiometer available from my junk collection; the trimmer you see on the board is a 1k unit, and the next closest device I had was 500k (!!!). Might be time to restock.

A few updates not related to the servo hackery tangent:

 In any case, I think it's time to get access to the other tuning resistor!
