
Shower Concerns

A project log for GimbalBot

Gimbaled thrusters, aerospace-grade adhesives, carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers, and inertial measurement units. This is a space project!

zakqwyzakqwy 06/03/2014 at 00:462 Comments

"Shower Concerns" -- so called because they often come to you whilst in the shower. I had a few come to me today:

I've realized that the main reason I'm hesitant to redesign the 'bot is because I've spent so much time on the current iteration. However, moving towards an X/Y gimbal from the current polar design would save me lots of money and headache: no more power inverter ($250 + 74 grams), no more slip ring ($200ish + 50ish grams), and better battery/motor options (no longer constrained to a 50-60vdc supply and a 1100-1300kv motor).

Thoughts? Should v07 be a clean sheet design, given that I haven't pulled the trigger on any of the aforementioned pricey components? Either way, I'm still going to do thrust tests using the setup I've (mostly) built.


Peter McCloud wrote 06/04/2014 at 11:55 point
You've put a lot of good thought into this design. I wonder if you might be able to answer some of your rho questions by assembling one axis of your gimbal and mounting it to your thrust stand to measure the effective torque as you rotate it. I'm looking forward to see how you solve this!

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zakqwy wrote 06/05/2014 at 04:08 point
Good idea! That would make an excellent intermediary step after I do initial thrust tests. I've gathered almost everything I need to finish building the rig, so I'm hoping to have a video up sometime this weekend.

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