

DLP Resin 3D Printer

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The Photon prototype will use extruded aluminium with 3d printed parts to connect everything together for the frame. I have a Mitsubishi XD60U DLP projector as the way to project the layers and cure the resin. I hope to figure out the right material to use for the bottom of resin tank which will allow the UV light as well as oxygen through so I can try and figure out a continuous printing method which would speed up the print time and also should do away with any visible layering. This "membrane" will allow enough oxygen through to make a small air gap in the resin so it wont stick to the bottom and as the printer pulls the forming object up, suction feeds more low-oxygen uncured resin toward the bottom. The process is called CLIP for "continuous liquid interface production."

I have gotten as far as modeling the Z axis assembly using Autodesk Inventor 2016. I have exported the STL files for the top and bottom of the assembly and sliced it with slic3r. About 3 ho

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