
New PCBs!

A project log for Blinkenrechner

Computer based on a homemade 8-bit CPU

grant-giesbrechtGrant Giesbrecht 07/19/2021 at 03:430 Comments

New PCBs are here! Still waiting on some parts to come in, but I've started soldering the boards. This batch of boards is enough to get the computer running basic programs *if* they all work. There have to be a few errors, but hopefully nothing critical. The boards I just got and am preparing to test are:

I went a bit nuts the past two days and soldered four of the boards, including the eminently pokey and daunting system board. Some parts are still in the mail and thus haven't been populated, but otherwise these guys are ready to test!

System Board:

FPU Emulator:

RAM Boards:

More on the way...


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