HelloSpoon is a DIY social robot based in a baby elephant.
HelloSpoon is intended to feed children/elderly with upper limb difficulties originated by an accident or illness in a fun way. It has a 4 DOF robotic arm controlled by an smartphone.
Testing Robot with Artificial Vision (T.R.A.VIS) is a humanoid like robot created with a Raspberry Pi to learn about walking generation in humanoid robots and Artificial Vision.
It has voice recognition and social media features integrated.
Cloud and Vision Entertainment Robot (CloVER) is a furry 2 DOF robot with a smartphone as a face.
It 's a fun and easy-to-build social robot.
Artificial Vision, Voice Recognition and social media features are the main attractive.
Sweet! Remember to make a new project and enter it into the prize... I don't think you can re-use projects this year