
Supplyframe DesignLab: 2019 Hackaday Prize

A challenge for the creator in all of us.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019 07:00 am PDT - Sunday, August 25, 2019 07:01 am PDT Local time zone:
Wednesday, Apr 03 2019, 2:00 pm - Sunday, Aug 25 2019, 2:01 pm
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For The Creator In All Of Us - 2019 Hackaday Prize Overview

Main Website :: Official Rules :: FAQ :: Mentor Sessions

This year’s Hackaday Prize is a global hardware design challenge focused on product development. In the final rounds we’ll be giving away $200,000. We've partnered with hardware community leaders, accelerators, incubators, and the Supplyframe DesignLab to help you develop products of all kinds.

Product development is all about making a solution to a problem both functional and intuitive to implement and acquiring the necessary skills to do so. Product, UX, Industrial design, ergonomics, software development, mechanical engineering is well within the reach of the amazing global hardware community. 

This is what Hackaday Prize is all about - enabling the creation of the next-generation hardware products and the companies around them.

The prize money is just the icing on the cake. What this is really about is taking the world in our hands and being the product designers who will create the future we really need. Join us in creating the future with the 2019 Hackaday Prize!


Launch 4/3/19

Bootstrap ends: 6/1/19

Final Submissions 8/25/19

Finalists Announced 9/9/19

Final Judging 10/1-11/1

Winners Announced at the 2019 Superconference (tentatively 11/16/2019)

The Hackaday Prize is in its 6th Year: Our History

In 2014 we launched The Hackaday Prize to our smart, talented, enthusiastic community of engineers, scientists, designers and creatives everywhere. Over 600 projects were created, and the winner, SatNOGS, now has a foundation where they are continuing the work they started here.

In 2015 we challenged the Hackaday community to use their superpowers again. The results told the story of nearly 900 Hackaday Prize entrants using their unique skills to make big changes in peoples' lives. 2015's Hackaday Prize winner, the Eyedrivomatic, directly impacted the lives of many with limited mobility.

In 2016, we had nearly 1,100 entries, and the Hackaday Prize winner was Dtto, a search and rescue robot, an open source project that will continue to be worked on at the Supplyframe Design Lab.

In 2017, the winner of the Hackaday Prize was Alex Williams, with an underwater explorer robot. Alex continued the work on his project at the Supplyframe Design Lab.

In 2018, the winner was Dexter, a 5 axis robotically controlled arm with insane precision. Dexter is now a product and a fledgling business located in Las Vegas, NV.

It is now time to start the 2019 Hackaday Prize. In keeping with the incredible hardware community, we hope to catalyze the next generation of hardware products.

  • Mentor Sessions

    Lutetium05/10/2019 at 22:20 1 comment

    Here's your chance to ask a professional mentor the hard questions about your Hackaday Prize entry...

    Let's get hacking! This year we've challenged you to take your Hackaday Prize entries to the next level, but we know prototyping isn't easy, especially in isolation. So we've created a space for you to ask one of our expert mentors questions about your entry. This is your opportunity to get one on one support and direct feedback, no matter what stage your project is in. The schedule will be updated every two weeks. 

    Space is limited so sign up today at: 

    Mentor Sessions Sign Up Form

  • All Rules

    Richard Hogben04/04/2019 at 18:58 1 comment


    1. SPONSOR. The Contest is sponsored by Supply Frame, Inc. (“Sponsor”), 61 S Fair Oaks Ave Suite 200, Pasadena, CA 91105.

    2. ELIGIBILITY. Subject to the additional restrictions below, The Hackaday Prize (the “Contest”) is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia, Canada (excluding Quebec), the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Japan, India, South Africa, and wherever else the Contest is not prohibited or restricted by law. The Contest is not open to residents of Quebec, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, or any jurisdiction where the Contest would be restricted or prohibited by law. Participants must be at least 18 years of age (or the local age of majority where they live, if higher) at the time of registration, except that minors age 13 or older may participate by obtaining the consent of a parent or legal guardian as described below, as long as such participation is not prohibited or restricted by law where the minor lives.

    Projects that were selected as Semifinalists in previous presentations of The Hackaday Prize are not eligible for entry in this Contest, however, the contestants who developed those projects may enter with a substantially different project, provided they are otherwise eligible under these Official Rules.

    Existing projects, or projects that were entered in previous presentations of The Hackaday Prize but did not advance to at least the Semifinal round, are eligible for submission as entries in this Contest with the following restrictions:

    • 1. A new project page must be created.
    • 2. The project must be significantly different from when previously entered and show meaningful development during the course of the Contest.

    Internet access, a YouTube, Vimeo, or Youku account and personal and project page pages on are required to participate. Employees and contractors of Sponsor and the family members of, and any persons domiciled with, any such employees and contractors, are not eligible to win. The term “family members” includes spouses, parents, grandparents, siblings, children, grandchildren and in-laws, regardless of where they live.

    Read more »

View all 2 contest logs

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PixelDud wrote 04/04/2019 at 14:58 point

When is the Supplyframe DesignLab Residency redeemable?

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Lutetium wrote 04/04/2019 at 19:29 point

Supplyframe DesignLab's team will discuss with the winner the best time for the residency, the timing is flexible to accomodate different teams and stages of project development. 

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Richard K Collins wrote 04/04/2019 at 01:16 point

I am starting work on a project, but having trouble seeing.  Is there any way I can set the colors to my own choices?  Pure black on white for instance.  I know someone likes these colors and layouts, but they are probably 40 or 50 years younger than me.

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Richard K Collins wrote 04/04/2019 at 03:09 point

I tried that, but it introduces more problems than it was worth.  Is there a programming team or individual responsible for this website?  Do they listen, or awaiting retirement?  I can probably suggest some not too radical modifications to the site to make it easier to manage many overlapping projects and activities.  

My last 21 years of working for the Internet Foundation should be useful for something.  I can write a wrapper or extension, but that leaves everyone else with what someone probably came up with and never modified.  When people get used to it, all incentive for change disappears.  Hope I am not sounding too negative.  It has been a long day, again.  Some of the sites on the web with the loudest voices for freedom, won't listen to feedback on the basic fabric if the website.  Now I know I am too tired.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I do appreciate it. Maybe I should rewrite it so it works better.  If I only had another few hours in the day.

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Andrew Smart wrote 04/04/2019 at 14:09 point

Yep, been there, grumpy after a long day at work.
IDK. My hunch is this project based organization/style/format arose out of a forum based format, which I think was a great idea. Lots of great stuff/projects buried in EEVBlog threads, but hard/impossible to find/discover because of the forum format. Agreed there could be some improvements with this interface.

I'm looking forward to seeing the projects submitted this round.

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 04/04/2019 at 22:06 point

Hi Richard! If you're on a Mac, you can use the accessibility settings to invert the colors. You can discuss site questions at the #Feedback - project!

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Richard K Collins wrote 04/11/2019 at 22:36 point


Thanks.  No, an old Windows person.  If it is any redeeming value, my first work computer was an Apple II that I used as a graphics terminal to our mainframe,at 300 then 1200 baud.  I  ran global population and labor force projections, and futures' scenarios.  Being able to concentrate on one platform for a few years seemed easier than 17 varieties of ESP32, all undocumented and incompatible, buyer beware.  :)

Don't know if you saw my image for my Gravitational Engineering project.  It seemed a bit outrageous at first, but I have been working on a schedule, and the biggest hurdle will be retraining millions of people.  People who hack hardware are called designers. People who hack software, programmers.  I am attempting to hack an entire sector of human society.  The time seems right, and I have more than sufficient humility to know that I should just let it evolve on its own. But my life seems to be running out quickly now and there are some things I would like to see.  A final demonstration of what I learned, or may have learned.

My interpretation of HackaDay's "hacking", is that it simplifies the essentials of something, makes the basic functions clearer, opens up new opportunites and possibilities, and does so with a bit of flair and humor.  I have had to work hard almost every day of my life, so my humor is a bit tired right now.  I do wish people would document their work better and make it easier still to adapt and use what they learn from these many experiments and demonstrations.  I literally ache for some of the people who really ought to get serious and start making and selling tools for others.  And it saddens me to see so many reinventing yet another method that has been done ten thousand times before -- because it is necessary - in order to do what they really want to do. 

I have not understood the dynamic for group formation here.  If it as haphazard as it appears, I will try to be adroit and not get trampled.  Are you hurting for money?  A few megabytes for project descriptions?  Maybe I misunderstood.  I will try to set aside time to look at more projects.  But having read and reviewed so many thousands of sites over the last 21 years, I really wish I could "hack" HackaDay and HackaDay themselves.  My first impression is there are orders of magnitude possibilities.  Perhaps I will uncover the hidden qualitites and dynamics as I learn more of the people and connected industries.  I always look for the best in every person and organization.

I came here because it seemed like the kind of place, you could say, "I need a five kilowatt blue laser to ionize ths first stage injector I am building.  Here are the specs, can you get your factory to make one by Friday?"  More practically, it would save me much time if I could just say "I need an ESP32 already configured and running with five analog microphones, three thermistors, five voltage and five current sensors. What will it cost for you to ship it to me by early next week?'  I am massively overloaded.  I can do wonderful things with data and models, and my brain is saturated trying to absorb the entire web and all the people conneced to it. But it is hurting my head to pretend I like building things I would rather buy from people here who are WAY better at it than I.  Probably more than half the projects here I can improve by helping with quantitative models and statistical approaches to sensor and control data sharing.  I have asked a few people what they really want to do.  My impression is not build cute things that are little use to others, but to use their considerable skills and creativity to make a permanent mark on society.  To be part of a group working toward something.  I see the massive waste of the Internet.  I see people spending decades learning things they can begin to use, safely and effectively in a few weeks.  My rule of thumb is a factor of 300 (30,000%) improvement in speed and ease of use, with really not too different ways of thinking.  I have had to become massively efficient to get through most every technology, and part of society in only 20 years, 12-18 hours a day.  I hope it was worth it.

Nice to meet you. Thanks again for your suggestion.  I can buy a Mac. Any suggestions?  I just bought one of those pen pads so I can draw and sketch things.  And one for diagrams, flowcharts and stuff.  Maybe I would save a lot of time by going to Apple as I think of them.  I really could use a ready made ESP32 for those kinds of analog sensors.  I can review them and show how I use statistics to do things people are trying to do with circuits and off the shelf things that don't quite fit.  

Is it OK if I post links to YouTube to show people things? Or do I need to post them here somehow?  Wish I could see better.  Oh well.  :)

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

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Amos wrote 04/04/2019 at 00:04 point

I have a query regarding sponsorship/endorsements. My understanding of the rules is that I cannot mention endorsements in any videos for the project submission, but what about in the project logs? If a PCB fab has sponsored one of my projects, and supplies a batch of free PCBs - am I allowed to mention this in my project logs?

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PointyOintment wrote 04/04/2019 at 17:51 point

The only thing I saw in the official rules that looked relevant to me was this (though I could easily have missed something):

"6. RULES FOR SUBMISSIONS. All content provided by a Participant and/or Participant’s teammate(s) in connection with the Participant or team’s participation in the Contest including, without limitation, any ideas, designs, plans, images, videos, music, prototypes, software, source code, logos, names, or any other intellectual property (“Project Content”), must be (a) the original content of the Participant and/or Participant’s teammate(s), or (b) third-party content for which the Participant has secured all necessary consents, approvals, or licenses for such content to be used by Participant, Sponsor, judges, and other members of the community as contemplated herein."

Is that what you're asking about?

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Amos wrote 04/04/2019 at 20:30 point

The section immediately below that states:

"Video Standards: In addition to the above, the following standards apply to videos:

i. Videos must be the original creation of the Participant and/or a Participant’s teammate(s)
ii. Videos must not depict or name any person who has not given written consent for such depiction (if requested, Participant agrees to provide evidence of such written consent to Sponsor)
iii. Videos must not:
a. Contain any advertisements, commercial endorsements, or content disparaging to any person or company (including competitors of Sponsor)
b. Contain any content that is obscene, vulgar, or defamatory, or that is disparaging on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or age
c. Depict any activity, or imply any activity, that violates the law, involves drug or alcohol use, is sexual in nature, involves gambling, or which may result in physical injury or property damage
d. Contain any content that is in poor taste, unsportsmanlike, or contrary to the values of Sponsor and the community"

I'm wondering if the restriction (iii)(a) only applies to the videos or if it somehow also applies to the project logs.

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 04/04/2019 at 22:10 point

Hi Amos, you should not advertise on your project. A simple thank you or mention to your PCB Fab is fine, but "buy now" buttons, giant logos, and links to products are discouraged. In the videos it is against the rules. 

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Amos wrote 04/05/2019 at 00:57 point

Thanks Sophi, I'm just planning on including a "thanks to XXX for supplying the PCBs" with a link to their website in the project log. I can leave that mention out of the video content easily enough though. The deal was already done before the Hackaday Prize was announced otherwise I might have turned down their offer.

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PixelDud wrote 04/03/2019 at 21:39 point

In the rules for the HAD Prize contest it says this:

'i. Required for ALL Entries :

a. Personal Profile. Create a personal profile on, completing all required fields and following all instructions (required of each Participant, including each member of a team).

b. Project Profile. Create a project profile on, completing all required fields and following all instructions (“Project Profile”).

1. Discuss the challenge the project addresses.
2. Discuss how the project will alleviate or solve the problem that the project addresses.
3. Publish at least one (1) image illustrating how the project might be used. This may be a sketch, schematic, flow chart, rendering, or other type of image.
4. Link to any repositories (e.g., Github).
5. Document all open-source licenses and permissions as well as any applicable third-party licenses/restrictions.
6. Submit the Project to 2019 Hackaday Prize using the “Submit project to...” option found on the published Project Profile.
7. Show at least four (4) Project Log updates on your Project Profile.'

What does it mean by Project Profile? Does it mean project page or an actual account for the project?

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Richard Hogben wrote 04/03/2019 at 22:28 point

It means project page, sorry for the confusion.

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PixelDud wrote 04/03/2019 at 23:52 point

No problem.

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