Hackaday Cyberdeck 2023:
After the incredible success of last year’s Cyberdeck Contest, we’re giving all you hackers in the Sprawl another chance to show off the goods. Whether it’s a cosplay piece that looks like it came from the deepest corners of Gibson’s imagination to a practical everyday tool, we want to see your bespoke computing creations.
While a cyberdeck is a very personal thing, and we want to see as wide an array of entries as possible – a contest does need to have some ground rules. So we’re asking that all entries be usable computing devices, which in turn means they have some form of input and output. Beyond that, the only limit is your imagination.
We’ve covered plenty of cyberdecks over the years if you’re looking for inspiration, and of course the decks that were entered into last year’s contest are a must-see. But remember that building a cyberdeck is all about putting together your perfect computing companion, not trying to replicate what’s come before. A proper deck should be as unique as the person who wields it, a physical manifestation of their skills, interests, and experience.
You've got until August 15 to get your entry in, but these aren't necessarily simple builds, so get going now.

Thanks to our partner DigiKey, three top projects will be awarded a $150 shopping spree.
Special Categories:
- Icebreaker
- While there’s nothing wrong with building a deck for the aesthetic, we’re especially interested in practical builds. Does your deck have some special capabilities that make it stand out from your average laptop?
- ROM Construct
- Some of the most impressive decks are the ones that have been customized to the point that they can only realistically be used by their creators. If the average person wouldn’t even know how to turn your deck on, this might be the category for you.
- Dex Dealer
- Safely powering a portable cyberdeck can be a challenge, especially as their computational capabilities increase. Decks considered for this category will feature either unique or particularly well implemented power sources, allowing their jockeys to connect to the net wherever they are.
- Turing Police
- Artificial intelligence is here to stay, so you might as well make the best of it. This category is for decks that utilize some form of AI, or perhaps were even designed or built with the assistance of an AI.
Need some inspiration? Here are some projects to check out that should get your ideas flowing:
- Decktility by Bytewelder
- NEOklacker by Spider Jerusalem
- PotatoP by Andreas Eriksen
How to Enter
Document your project on Hackaday.io. Share images or videos of your project and tell the story of how you designed it and built it in the description of your project.
Once you have published your project, look in the left sidebar for the "Submit project to..." menu to enter it in the Cyberdeck Innovator Contest:
Judging Criteria
Here are the criteria judges will have in mind while reviewing entries:
- We’d like to know how it works, and maybe make one ourselves. In addition to the entry, we’ll be scoring on how well the project is documented.
Contest Rules
- Although they come from fiction, to enter in the contest, your cyberdeck must exist in the real world. Include some photos and/or a good video demo of your work in action.
- We’re not just interested in seeing your work, we’ll want to make one too! Whatever 3D models, and of course quality documentation are necessary to replicate your masterpiece should be included in the entry.
- Entries don’t need to be brand-new decks, but we would like to see some changes or improvements made during the duration of the contest.
- All entrants must agree to have the design published on Hackaday.
- Employees and contractors of DigiKey, Supply Frame, Siemens and their immediate family members are ineligible to win, but are still encouraged to enter.
- Rules and categories subject to change and judges' decisions are...
I agree that the contest deadline was too tight. I began working on my project the day it was announced and had to wait about 20 days for the materials to arrive. I've put in a lot of my free time into this project, and I still have plenty left to finish. I'm even trying to update it while it’s being judged.