
New community-written book

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artbyphysicistkittyartbyphysicistkitty 05/02/2021 at 10:382 Comments

Book cover: Reference Guide for Quantum Computing, a Microsoft Garage project

Reference Guide for Quantum Computing, a Microsoft Garage project - A community of quantum enthusiasts collaborated on a new book that was just published through the Microsoft Garage on GitHub. It is opensource so anyone can read and contribute to the writing via pull requests. Looking forward to seeing your contributions and addition to the author list. 

It is hands-on with programming exercises:

Read & Write:

Garage project and team:

Learn more about the project:


Rich text editor

Linda Sutton wrote 10/19/2023 at 21:21 point

Simply amazing

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EmmaNeales wrote 10/04/2021 at 09:21 point

Thanks for the Quantum Computing Reference Guide, and I look forward to reading it! I love reading, I study at the university and now I write essays and even my books. For editing and citation of my texts, I found a free quote generator service asa that helps me with this. When you visit their website , you will find tips and tricks on how to use it. I really enjoyed using it, and now I have more free time to read, as well as pump my intelligence and writing skills. Knowledge is power.

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