Use the top menu in Grasshopper to select File -> Special Folders -> Components to open the folder and then copy and paste the .Gha file.
We'll look at what types of plugins are available for Grasshopper and where you can download them from. This week will use two plugins. The first is a physics engine plugin that comes pre-installed with Grasshopper called Kangaroo 2. Our example will be in two parts creating a tensile structure and then a cushion.
The second example this week will use the plugin Anemone which can be downloaded and installed as above. Anemone is used to create loops in Grasshopper.
Grids often serve as a base geometry where further geometry is created on top of every grid point. Manipulating the grid manipulates everything built on it. We'll look at different examples of creating grids and morphing that geometry onto surfaces.
Surface Morph based on O-14 by Reiser Unemoto (RUR) Class 3 Video:
Data is organized using lists that are grouped into branches. This class is about successfully managing large quantities of geometry. Our first example will look at how to create a flower that will expand into our second project example that will try to understand how the Galaxia by Arthur Manou-Mani at Burning Man 2018 might have be created.
Model based on Galaxia (Burning Men Temple 2018) by Arthur Mamou-Mani
Week 1 will begin by introducing Grasshopper3D's interface as if participants have never seen it before. Our first project example will be a bridge that will familiarize participants with how to use sliders to control a range of variables. Our second project example will be multiple attractor points to control the rotation and scale of geometry in a grid.