
Visual Synthesis Hack Chat

Learn about analog visual synthesis with Jonas Bers on the Hack Chat!

Friday, October 19, 2018 12:00 pm PDT Local time zone:
Friday, Oct 19 2018, 7:00 pm
Hack Chat
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Jonas Bers will be hosting the Hack Chat on Friday, October 19th, 2018 at noon PDT. 

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Jonas Bers is an audiovisual artist and performer. For their work they use hacked video mixers, a hand-built video synthesizer, and various pieces of restored/modded lab equipment & military surplus devices. Jonas's tutorial for the CHA/V “Cheap Hacky A/V” synth has been taught around the world.

Jonas will discuss entry points into hardware-based real-time video synthesis, such as their own tutorial for the CHA/V, and the LZX cadet/castle DIY series. If you enjoy making analog audio circuits, and you are interested in video synthesis, they can suggest some good places to start and helpful resources. Jonas's personal practice involves hardware-based scan-processing (aka Rutt/Etra synthesis) which they can also discuss at length.

In this chat we will discuss:
 - Hardware based video synthesis
 - Real-time video synthesis
 - Common visual synthesis practices and variations 

  • Transcript

    Sophi Kravitz10/19/2018 at 19:34 0 comments

    Jasmine Brackett3:00 PM
    Hello Everyone! I'm @jasmine, and I'm your Hackchat host for today.

    Murilo Polese3:00 PM
    heyo! :)

    Jasmine Brackett3:01 PM
    For those who don't know me (as I don't hackchat too often), I run but used to be the community manager for

    Jasmine Brackett3:01 PM
    Anyway, enough about me we're super pleased to have @Jonas Bers  with us on the hackchat today.

    Jonas Bers3:01 PM
    Thanks! Glad to be here.

    Jasmine Brackett3:01 PM
    Jonas is an audiovisual artist, performer and hardware hacker from Hudson Valley, NY.

    Jasmine Brackett3:02 PM
    And apparently has brought @phil baljeu along too

    Jonas Bers3:02 PM
    Sounds good! Happy to.

    phil baljeu3:02 PM

    hi Phil!

    Jasmine Brackett3:02 PM
    If you have any questions for either of them please add to the comments on

    Jasmine Brackett3:03 PM
    Or here if we've already covered the other list.

    Jonas Bers3:03 PM
    Phillip has taught me much of what I know about video synthesis and DIY video. He recently started working for LZX Industries and released a line of DIY video modules.

    geli9612123:03 PM
    o wow! sounds promising!

    Jasmine Brackett3:03 PM
    @Jonas Bers , how did you get into this? And who is Phil?

    Jonas Bers3:04 PM
    We just returned to the US after spending a few weeks in Croatia and Slovenia teaching workshops, doing lectures, and performing.

    geli9612123:04 PM
    beautiful places!

    Jonas Bers3:04 PM
    (Phil is based in Toronto)

    Jasmine Brackett3:04 PM
    That must have been pretty exciting.

    Jonas Bers3:05 PM
    If anyone is interested in learning more about our trip -- you can find the info by searching "vector hack festival"

    Jonas Bers3:05 PM
    it was amazing.

    Jasmine Brackett3:05 PM
    Are you planning on doing it again?

    Jonas Bers3:05 PM
    the balkans have a great DIY electronics scene.
    eforzano joined the room.3:05 PM

    Jonas Bers3:06 PM
    hopefully, although I wasn't responsible for any of the organization or funding, so it's not up to me, lol.

    Jonas Bers3:06 PM
    there was a great response -- all the workshops were fully booked and the lectures and performances were well attended.

    bobby.pharaoh6663:07 PM
    did you see anything particularly surprising at vector hack? it looked amazing from the posts i saw

    Jonas Bers3:07 PM
    to answer your first q though -- i got into video synthesis by way of audio synthesis.

    eforzano3:07 PM
    Thanks for being here guys. Curious about places to read about hardware visualization stuff. Ready to learn. Documentation, companies, websites?

    Jonas Bers3:07 PM
    @bobby.pharaoh666 vector hack was unreal. the documentation is going to be trickled out slowly over the next few weeks.

    Jonas Bers3:08 PM
    @eforzano LZX is a great starting point.

    Jonas Bers3:08 PM
    my own tutorial for the CHA/V is another good starting point (although I may be biased)

    geli9612123:09 PM

    Jasmine Brackett3:09 PM
    Does that answer your questions @geli961212 ?

    Jonas Bers3:09 PM
    my intention with the CHA/V tutorial was to create something educational and also functional. you can make a full-fledged instrument out of it, or just study it and learn how video works.

    Jonas Bers3:09 PM
    @geli961212 was asking about VJing --

    geli9612123:10 PM
    oh yeah, I still have a few questions at my post but some of them were answered yeah

    Jonas Bers3:10 PM
    I occasionally take VJ gigs, although that's not my passion. I really enjoy solo A/V performance because then the emphasis is on the signal.

    Jasmine Brackett3:10 PM
    Yeah, the questions from @geli961212 were "I love your approach with CHA/V as a great introduction to visual synthesis. Do you VJ? What equipment do you use the most often? As someone who's interested in VJing, where do you recommend to start after CHA/V? Is VVVV a program worth mastering? I have a sony xv t33f, I am planning to cirtcuit-bend, have you ever used such a device to manipulate image?"

    geli9612123:11 PM
    dumb question: what's the difference between...

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MagicWolfi wrote 10/19/2018 at 19:07 point

Hello Jonas, have you ever thought about using dedicated digital circuits for generating the SYNC signals. There is a video composite chip (VLSI VS23S010D-L) that is very flexible (and ) to be programmed with all SYNC timing you can dream of and would have the benefit to inject an image as well. (Hackchat host: I don't know if that is wanted but here is a shameless self-plug for this chip on a Arduino shield #NTSC/PAL Video Display Shield ).

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Murilo Polese wrote 10/19/2018 at 19:01 point

- How was the first time you played with visual synthesis? What hardware did you use/build and what kind of output did you get?

- What is in your opinion the quickest and dirtiest way to get into visual synthesis? And what is the cheapest? What are the main differences between doing it quick and dirty and very well done?

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geli961212 wrote 10/19/2018 at 18:45 point

Hello Jonas! I love your approach with CHA/V as a great introduction to visual synthesis. Do you VJ? What equipment do you use the most often? As someone who's interested in VJing, where do you recommend to start after CHA/V? Is VVVV a program worth mastering? I have a sony xv t33f, I am planning to cirtcuit-bend, have you ever used such a device to manipulate image?

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