Greg Zumwalt will be hosting the Hack Chat on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at noon PST.
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You may think you've never heard of Greg Zumwalt, but if you've spent any time on Instructables or Thingiverse, chances are pretty good you've seen some of his work. After a long career that ranged from avionics design and programming to video game development, Greg retired and found himself with the time to pursue pet projects that had always been on the back burner, including his intricate 3D-printed automata. His motto is "I fail when I decide to stop learning," and from the number of projects he turns out and the different methods he incorporates, he has no intention of failing.
Please join us for this Hack Chat, where we'll discuss:
- Lifelong learning through play;
- Toy building as a means to extending one's skills;
- Sources of inspiration and getting new ideas; and
- What sorts of projects Greg has in the pipeline.
Trick about games is knowing where to buy them, always seen some secret sales on model building toys, just need to know where to look.