Beau Ambur and Clarissa Redwine will host the Kickstart Hack Chat on August 7, 2019.
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For many of us, magic things happen on our benches. We mix a little of this, one of those, and a couple of the other things, and suddenly the world has the Next Big Thing. Or does it? Will it ever see the light of day? Will you ever build a community around your project so that the magic can escape the shop to see the harsh light of the marketplace? And perhaps most importantly, will you be able to afford to bring your project to market?
Crowdfunding is often the answer to these questions and more, and Kickstarter is one of the places where hackers can turn their project into a product. Beau and Clarissa, both outreach leads for the crowdfunding company, will stop by the Hack Chat to answer all your questions about getting your project off the bench and into the market. Join us as we discuss everything from building a community that's passionate enough about your idea to fund it, to the right way to share your design story.