Limor "Ladyada" Fried and Phillip Torrone will host the Hack Chat on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at noon PDT.
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We've gotten to the point where a $35 Raspberry Pi can be a reasonable alternative to a traditional desktop or laptop, and microcontrollers in the Arduino ecosystem are getting powerful enough to handle some remarkably demanding computational jobs. But there's still one area where microcontrollers seem to be lagging a bit: machine learning. Sure, there are purpose-built edge-computing SBCs, but wouldn't it be great to be able to run AI models on versatile and ubiquitous MCUs that you can pick up for a couple of bucks?
We're moving in that direction, and our friends at Adafruit Industries want to stop by the Hack Chat and tell us all about what they're working on. In addition to Ladyada and PT, we'll be joined by Meghna Natraj, Daniel Situnayake, and Pete Warden, all from the Google TensorFlow team. If you've got any interest in edge computing on small form-factor computers, you won't want to miss this chat. Join us, ask your questions about TensorFlow Lite and TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers, and see what's possible in machine learning way out on the edge.