Tony White will host the Hack Chat on Wednesday, February 5 at noon Pacific.

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Almost anywhere you look, there's a good chance you can see a robot at work. Whether they're sweeping your floors, delivering a snack, building a car, or even driving one, robots are everywhere on this planet. And since over 70% of this planet is covered in water, it makes sense that robots should be there, too. Getting a robot to work underwater at all is one thing, but getting it to work underwater reliably can be quite a challenge. Water always finds a way to ruin your day, after all, and this reality only worsens when you add a little salt into the mix. 

Tony White knows the marine engineering field well, having worked in the space for over a decade. He's currently an applications engineer at Blue Robotics, where he's worked on everything from full-size autonomous surface vessels to underwater swarm robots. He's stopping by the Hack Chat to talk about the harsh engineering realities of underwater automation, so if you've ever wanted to take the plunge, you'll want to come to this Hack Chat for sure.