
8-bit Microcontroller Hack Chat

Love PIC? Love AVR? Join us for an 8-bit discussion!

Friday, June 9, 2017 12:00 pm PT - Friday, June 9, 2017 12:30 pm PT Local time zone:
Hack Chat
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Garrett Scott joins us in the Hack Chat

Friday, June 9th at noon PDT, @Garrett Scott will be hosting the Hack Chat.

Garrett Scott is the Technical Marketing Engineer of 8-bit micro-controllers at Microchip Technology.

Garrett develops solutions to make using PIC/AVR simpler and easier, with a focus on low-volume customers. He designs examples for new devices, tutorials for getting started, and develops software libraries. Garrett helps to make life easier for people to get started on their Microchip based solutions.

Love PIC? Love AVR? Love 8-bit? Bring your questions and comments!

We'll be discussing all of the following things and more:

  • New PIC product family releases
  • Peripherals like:
    • ADCC (A2D with computation)
    • Configurable logic cells
  • Design tools:
    • MPLab Xpress IDE
    • Xpress Evaluation Boards

Here's the sheet to guide the discussion.

  • 8-bit Microcontroller Hack Chat Transcript

    Shulie Tornel06/09/2017 at 19:40 0 comments

    Garrett Scott I'm Garrett Scott, technical marketing engineer at Microchip Technolog, specifically in the 8-bit division

    Yann Guidon / YGDES technical marketing engineer : is that technical, marketing, or engineering ?....

    Kevin @Yann Guidon / YGDES They are indeed complicated beasties. I wound up with a couple of Spartan 3 boards. Just worked out that way. I also picked VHDL over Verilog as a starting point based on what I read about it.

    Garrett Scott @Yann Guidon / YGDES yes

    Garrett Scott lol

    Garrett Scott I am an engineer, working in the marketing department

    Yann Guidon / YGDES oh that's not XOR Garrett ?

    sparky-summer One question from me: The recent datasheets (since the last 3-4 years :P) for the 8 bit PICS do not describe well the pin circuitry, such as if there are protection diodes (to vdd/gnd) on the pin. Where can I get information on this matter?

    MarkAtMicrochip I'm Mark Hofmann, a Field Applications Engineer for Microchip.

    equ @Al Williams thanks

    Yann Guidon / YGDES Kevin : we might continue in private to keep this channel on topic :-)

    Garrett Scott @edwin romero is here too

    Frank Buss isn't engineering battling all the time with marketing? :-)

    Sophi Kravitz welcome @edwin romero and @MarkAtMicrochip !

    Kevin @Yann Guidon / YGDES I wasn't going to say any more on the topic during the chat.

    Garrett Scott @Frank Buss Synergy!

    Jonathan Bruneau That made my day

    Frank Buss like marketing promises something that engineering says it's impossible, but I guess good to have an engineer in marketing then

    Boian Mitov Hello @Garrett Scott

    Lutetium here's the sheet for discussion:

    MarkAtMicrochip @Frank Buss One of the nice things about being an engineer at Microchip is that most of the Marketing people either were engineers or have their engineering degree.

    Frank Buss sounds like a good idea

    MarkAtMicrochip So do we pull the questions on the discussion sheet and add them here?

    Sophi Kravitz yes please

    Shulie: So here's a question that a couple of people are interested in. Asked by ido: The modern 8-bit PICs are awesome, but are there plans to update the xc8 compiler to newer C standards, maybe even C++?

    Yann Guidon / YGDES makes sense... and this retains the real engineers as customers

    Sophi Kravitz +1

    Frank Buss and while implementing C++ for XC8, would be nice to release the pro version for free :-)

    Garrett Scott We can't tell you what's in the works, but we are always looking at the best upgrades we can provide

    Jonathan Bruneau That would be nice, but I'm willing to pay for C++ support on PIC.

    Sophi Kravitz here's a question from @Frank Buss : What's the point of slow and difficult to program 8 bit microcontrollers (e.g. for PICs, the optimizing C compiler costs a lot of money and has some quirks), if you can get a 32 bit ARM microcontroller like the ATSAMD09C13A for 0.62 EUR, with full optimizing GCC support?

    Garrett Scott We are not working on a C++ for 8bit PICs, but there is one from a company called Boost which has one. Our recommendation is to select the best-fit architecture for a project, based on needs and requirements that can be identified at the design’s outset. 8bits are very robust with 5V support. Our newer parts are loaded with core independent peripherals, which provide reduced CPU load, thereby dropping power consumption. To get similar performance to our PRO XC8 compiler, you would need to purchase an IAR compiler. To further reduce the barrier of entry to the XC8 PRO compiler. We have released a subscription service at $30/month

    Frank Buss is 5V used that much anymore? and for low power, the STM32L0 family is really nice

    Garrett Scott @Kevin CIPs definitely help reduce the memory burden as well

    igendel Hi, so is it going to stay MPLAB for PICs and Atmel Studio for AVRs?

    Frank Buss in a low power benchmark they were one of the winners

    MarkAtMicrochip @Frank Buss Yes, 5V is used a lot in industrial applications. Lots of people like the additional resolution...

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