
Raspberry Pi Chat

Everything Pi with the Raspberry Pi Foundation!

Friday, March 16, 2018 12:00 pm PDT Local time zone:
Hack Chat
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Roger Thornton will be co-hosting the Hack Chat this week. This Hack Chat is at noon PDT, Friday, March 16th.

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It's Raspberry Pi's 6th birthday, and we've invited them back this year to talk all things Raspberry Pii!

Ever wondered how Raspberry Pi can make their products so cheap, so good, and provide such good community support all at the same time? Now's your chance to discuss, ask questions, give feedback or compliments about the product.

Roger works for Raspberry Pi as Principal Hardware engineer where he oversees design, test, compliance, and production for Raspberry Pi products.

Previously working for Broadcom where he was part of the team who characterized and tested numerous SoC’s including BCM2835/6/7; the processors used on the Pi. He also has experience of the Smart home and IoT from his time working in a Cambridge consultancy where he helped deliver a series of dedicated Smart Home energy monitoring and automation chips to market.

Here's the link to our chat with Roger in 2017!

In this chat, we'll discuss:

  • The future for Raspberry Pi products
  • Pi events around the world
  • Where can you buy a Pi Zero in quantity?
  • Questions and answers about your favorite products!

  • Raspberry Pi Hack Chat transcript part 2

    Sophi Kravitz03/16/2018 at 20:10 0 comments

    @Patrick Van Oosterwijck unpopular

    Roger Thornton You could but you'd have some big bottlenecks in terms of getting data to and from the external GPU

    nightduck +1

    next q from @cesar : Is there a way to use an external GPU with the Raspberry, for computational purposes?

    Roger Thornton External GPUs; You could but you'd have some big bottlenecks in terms of getting data to and from the external GPU

    ðeshipu we have some time dilatations again

    Evan Juras+1 to @Patrick Van Oosterwijck :)

    Frank Buss I wish the Raspberry Pi would have something like the BeagleBone PRUs, 200 MHz 0 latency RISC CPU for controlling the GPIOs

    nightduck Those exist

    ðeship why bot use BB then?

    nightduck Buy a beaglebone

    Thomas Shaddack 
    +1 to @Frank Buss

    Evan Juras 
    thanks for linking that @nightduck , I was going to PM you about your question

    Frank Buss 

    no need to make all hardware the same

    BB also has the advantage of not using a Broadcom CPU

    last question from @Paul Anaya : Roger, Happy Friday! Do you think you may consider adding eMMC boot to future Raspberry Pi models like ASUS is doing with their Tinkerboard S?

    And moar GPIO pins

    Frank Buss 
    and it has even a full KiCad schematic and board layout


    +1 @ðeshipu

    Frank Buss 
    but this is the Raspberry Pi chat, at least they have a bigger and good community :-)

    community won't power your project

    Roger Thornton 
    Unlikely at the current price point, we do sell Compute modules with eMMC on them if you wanted to use that. The main board can't support the cost adder

    OK. thanks for @Roger Thornton

    I thought a teaser about this chat was "Where can you buy a Pi Zero in quantity?"

    Thomas Shaddack 
    backward compatibility with the OS is also handy. i fried a raspi 3 couple days ago (12V to the USB, grounding fault of a ramps/arduino module), the usb handling chip literally exploded. had only one, replaced it with a raspi 2 and it worked immediately, albeit slower.


    Thomas Shaddack 
    can the main board have some sort of a miniature solderable line of pads for attachment of things like emmc yourself?

    Patrick Van Oosterwijck 
    +1 @ted

    Sophi: This concludes our Raspberry Pi Hack Chat!

    Roger Thornton 
    The buses that would be connected to this are both used (SDIO) one to SD card and the other to Wifi. We won't be putting pads down but if you felt adventurous you coudl try tacking one on the lines!

    Thanks for coming everyone, and especially thanks to @Roger Thornton

    Patrick Van Oosterwijck 
    No, that Pi Zero volume question must be answered

    I have to give two thumbs up to the RPi team. I was wondering what I was going to do with my first one. My children soon showed me. ;-). I was laughing as I tried to order the new 3B+. Thanks everyone!


    Evan Juras 
    thanks Roger!! you did a great job handling the deluge of questions. see you next time!

    feel free to stay and chat

    Boian Mitov 
    Thank you @Roger Thornton and @Sophi Kravitz :-)

  • Raspberry Pi Hack Chat transcript

    Sophi Kravitz03/16/2018 at 19:26 0 comments

    welcome @Roger Thornton !

    Jarrett says:
    must be a coincidence

    must be

    ðeshipu says:
    industrial espionage

    baldengineer says:
    Pattern recognition.

    ðeshipu says:
    complex monomers

    baldengineer says:

    ðeshipu says:
    never really finished it, the gibberish got on my nerves

    Thomas Shaddack says:
    yay espionage!

    Sophi: welcome to the Raspberry Pi Hack Chat! My reminder email just went out, s we're going to start at exactly.... 6 minutes after the hour

    Please put all qs and comments here:

    Stephen says:
    Hey all! Excited for the Pi chat!

    XabiLopez says:
    Hello everyone!

    Shayna says:
    Hey y'all

    baldengineer says:
    before we get started, slightly off topic but related. does any know how to control the Undervoltage icon directly? (I want to be able to turn it on.)

    ðeshipu says:

    ðeshipu says:
    like a holy painting?

    ðeshipu says:
    or is there some context to your question that you forgot to mention? some kind of software maybe?

    Evan Juras says:
    im excited for the Raspberry Pi hack chat! yay! thanks for sending out the reminder email, Sophi :)

    baldengineer says:3:04 PM
    deshipu the pi displays several status icons, which I understand are driven directly from the GPU. one is undervoltage, monitoring the 5 volt rail

    anfractuosity says:3:04 PM
    status icons?

    baldengineer says:3:04 PM
    all references I find are people asking how to disable it or understand it.

    ðeshipu says:3:04 PM
    @baldengineer it only displays a text console for me

    ted says:3:04 PM
    so ironically there's ADC on the board, just not in the pins :)

    baldengineer says:3:05 PM
    okay, nevermind. i don't want to distract before we start. search "pi lightning icon" to see what I mean

    Liam Kennedy says:3:05 PM
    Who here has ordered (even received) their first Pi 3B+?  (I received shipping confirmation from Newark Element14 yesterday)

    DrivenMadz says:3:05 PM
    Packing frantically packing for shoeshoe trip to Mt Rainer :) still got it chromcasted to the TV :) Happy Friday everyone :)

    srivishnu piratla 
    im still looking where to buy a 3B+

    Sophi: Happy Friday! :) welcome to the Raspberry Pi Hack Chat w @Roger Thornton

    Roger Thornton 
    Hello all, good to be here/

    Liam Kennedy 
    Try element14.  Good price ($35) unlike CanaKit that is up to $44 + $13 shipping

    I'm sure more stragglers will show up soon, but we can get started. Roger- tell us who you are and what you work on at Raspberry Pi

    Liam Kennedy 
    Ummm.. Sophi... so we have to JOIN that other event thing to post questions there?

    Roger Thornton 
    I am one of the hardware engineers at Raspberry Pi, where I've worked for nearly three years. I am the designer for Pi Zero W and the very recently launched Pi3+

    love the pi zero w! great job!

    Liam Kennedy 
    Thanks for being here Roger... So you are based in the Cambridge (UK) offices?

    Nice work!

    Boian Mitov
    Hello everyone :-)

    Roger Thornton 
    Yes, I am based (and live) in Cambridge

    Liam Kennedy 
    Cool  (p.s.  I grew up in Haverhill.. gaaaahhh :-)

    hey @Liam Kennedy !

    Liam Kennedy 
    Hi @Sophi Kravitz  back!!

    Liam Kennedy 
    Awesome work on the 3+ (I will now always refer to it as 3+ .. and save the extra typing of 3B+)

    Roger Thornton 
    Thank you, it was a long journey but very happy with end product

    how long was the design cycle?

    Liam Kennedy 
    What was the "trickiest" part of the design for you?

    Roger Thornton 
    We started work on it early Jan 2017, there was a couple of...

    Read more »

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F5OEO wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:52 point

Developping raspberry as a Software Radio Defined (rpitx). Could it be possible to design a 50ohm line to pin header (PWM and GPIO4 ) ?

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Dan wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:51 point

To leverage the hardware video acceleration for 1080p playback on the Pi (e.g. compiling VLC/FFmpeg/etc from source), is the preferred/better way to leverage OpenMAX IL as was done years ago or to use MMAL?

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Peabody1929 wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:48 point

How about a SATA connector for SSD support?  A 120GB-512GB drive with simple plug and play would be nice.

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Paul Anaya wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:42 point

Roger, Happy Friday! Do you think you may consider adding eMMC boot to future Raspberry Pi models like ASUS is doing with their Tinkerboard S?

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César Héctor wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:24 point

Is there a way to use an external GPU with the Raspberry, for computational purposes?

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XabiLopez wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:21 point

What is the the most interesting use of a raspberry pi you have ever heard about? tell us something that makes you feel proud of.

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César Héctor wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:20 point

I'm from Perú currently working on a project to develop a cheap-as-possible teaching laptop and we've only got about three weeks, we've chosen to use Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. Got any recommendation?

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ted wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:15 point

How do individuals/businesses get on the pre-launch program (under NDA)? Gina of OctoPrint should really be provided with an eval model before the launch date.

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ted wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:12 point

What's your favorite type of pie?

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Evan Juras wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:12 point

How much has Raspberry Pi's user base grown over the past three years? Is the growth rate of  Rasbperry Pi users increasing, flattening out, or declining? By how much?

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ted wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:11 point

Why has ADC not been added? Why no official support of getting the voltage level (even though it's obviously there)? What about allowing a flexible voltage input (e.g., putting a regulator on board)?

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ted wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:08 point

Officially or not, how tolerant is the GPIO to 5v?

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Evan Juras wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:08 point

Are there any plans to create an improved Camera Module V3 any time soon? Would it be possible to add an auto-focus feature?

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Nathaniel Evry wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:07 point

Is there a good place to sell / donate old pi boards as I upgrade? I have 8 rpi zeros, and 2-3 B's looking for homes.

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Andrew Miller wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:13 point

This is a great question!

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César Héctor wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:43 point

I'm on project where we would be more than happy to receive your old RBPs.

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Pabluski wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:07 point

Are there plans for a SATA connector for the Pi?

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nightduck wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:05 point

1) What's the plans on USB-C? (Maybe to replace the charging port)

2) Any hope for an embedded graphics revision? Or do I have to stick with Nvidia Tegra?

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Thomas Shaddack wrote 03/16/2018 at 19:03 point

Any way to increase filesystem reliability, make the thing more resistant to powerdowns?

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anfractuosity wrote 03/16/2018 at 18:56 point

Will you consider adding non-usb ethernet and usb3.x at some point? Cheers!

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Brian MacLeod wrote 03/16/2018 at 15:43 point

Is there any likelihood of doing a board that will accept multiple Compute Modules? That way we can have clustering on the cheap :) 

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deʃhipu wrote 03/15/2018 at 11:15 point

Are there any plans for having build-in power management in future versions? Even a simple shutdown button would be a huge help.

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