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Roger Thornton will be co-hosting the Hack Chat this week. This Hack Chat is at noon PDT, Friday, March 16th.
Time Zones got you down? Here's a handy count down timer!
It's Raspberry Pi's 6th birthday, and we've invited them back this year to talk all things Raspberry Pii!
Ever wondered how Raspberry Pi can make their products so cheap, so good, and provide such good community support all at the same time? Now's your chance to discuss, ask questions, give feedback or compliments about the product.
Roger works for Raspberry Pi as Principal Hardware engineer where he oversees design, test, compliance, and production for Raspberry Pi products.
Previously working for Broadcom where he was part of the team who characterized and tested numerous SoC’s including BCM2835/6/7; the processors used on the Pi. He also has experience of the Smart home and IoT from his time working in a Cambridge consultancy where he helped deliver a series of dedicated Smart Home energy monitoring and automation chips to market.
Here's the link to our chat with Roger in 2017!
In this chat, we'll discuss:
- The future for Raspberry Pi products
- Pi events around the world
- Where can you buy a Pi Zero in quantity?
- Questions and answers about your favorite products!
So, I'm guessing we can put questions there. In this case:
1) What's the reasoning behind only releasing a part of the schematics?
2) Are there plans for opening up the DSI interface? If not, what are the obstacles?