Question about Stepper Motors

Ben wrote 10/18/2023 at 16:06 0 points

I'm building a tabletop claw machine game with some middle schoolers.  It's arduino-based and using gantry parts and nema 17 steppers from an Ender 3.  We're stuck with a question about the weight of the claw, we want to also use a nema 17 motor to wind and unwind the claw to raise and lower but are concerned about the holding weight of the stepper when it is turned off.  We're thinking now of a 51:1 planetary gear stepper.  Does anyone have experience with these.  Is the holding strength of the output shaft a lot greater than a normal nema 17?  Any other ideas for a worm gear or something else that would hold position of a stepper when power is cut off completely?
