
Schlachtplan ToDo

davedarkodavedarko wrote 12/04/2016 at 13:02 • 2 min read • Like

There are already two or three lists I've put and ignore here, but I don't care. I just went through all my projects to see what I might have neglected for long enough now and sometimes I just forget what I was up to, merging ideas and project is also a good thing to not get too crazy about losing / forgetting / neglecting stuff, so here's my ToDo.

#Open Bicycle Computer

#fixietube clock

#Ignore this ESP8266 board

#Locomatrix - 3D POV - a different approach

#Heimdall - dumb remote home

#Portable Raspberry PI Zero

#Sonic Screwdriver

#Johnny IV #R8-D8 - a distant relative of R2-D2 #NRF24L01 remote project

#I'm a fan of your fan

#USB cable tester

#433MHz canon remote

#Skywalker Lightsaber

#Lithium Coin Cell charger

#DC motor board with attiny13

#world clock thing

Commodore 64 C64



Rich text editor

Ted Yapo wrote 12/04/2016 at 14:05 point

Good idea. I have pages in my notebook like this - every so often, I try to write down all the projects I have in flight or in mind - it's fun to find all the old pages to see what drop off, what comes on, and how long I've been planning to work on them, without doing anything about it :-)

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davedarko wrote 12/04/2016 at 16:16 point


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