Need help finding odd shaped LED panel?

Mia wrote 05/28/2024 at 03:17 0 points

Hi guys, hope all is going well, and wanted to steal some help. I am currently attempting a project I and my friends am not techy at all when it comes to coding and all that stuff but we are currently trying to find the LED screens used in these smart backpacks used for bikers ( We are looking for the same program of that eye effect but also won't mind trying to learn or hire someone to create designs and code but we are mainly looking for those screens with the exact shape and sizing. So the question comes, What is it exactly? 

What I know already is that it is a p2 led matrix screen panel at least the best of my research tells me that. But the problem or next question comes is can you cut this material? I would cut the material in a zigzag-like pattern basically as in the link below if that is possible. 

Here is a close-up of the screen that is wanted and is being used.

I know the screens exist somewhere as they already have the framing and exact cuts for it to all as seen above and it all just fits snugly I am just struggling so much on finding them separate from the bags and almost just wanna buy the bags to rip them out but it's so expensive just for it to be ripped apart.  

Thanks for any help and advice all is appreciated :) 
