
Buyer Become Maker

rishaldy-prislyRishaldy Prisly wrote 04/23/2017 at 14:47 • 1 min read • Like

Not everyone in this world can understand about how to make a thing, the usefull thing, the thing that will matter in the future, the thing that maybe can save their life, from disasters, or even from the sickness, especially in my country, Indonesia. People nowadays become crazy, i guess. They buy a lot of things thats not too important, and they keep doing that. Without thinking that maybe, they will gonna make something by their own self.

Global warming, waste problem, flood, until a disaster, we always can't handle it.

I think, today is a perfect day to change our mind, dear Indonesian. There's a lot of maker in our country, there's a lot of great event like the HACKATHON, etc. please, support them.

Stop wasting our money to buy too much shit like a new smartphone, which is not too important as long as you can still using your old one. Stop throwing the garbage to the river, and please keep our nature clean.

There's a lot of maker that trying to fix our troubles, but they will not gonna make it if all of us keep act like we don't care with our ecosystem and our thousands problem.

And today, we must change. Start to create a thing, not to buy a thing



Tan Tran Minh wrote 04/30/2017 at 09:13 point

Great Rishaldy, your thinking, your ideal was very great. Your awarenes accurately reflects the reality of your country and on the world.  I'm from Vietnam, we are on the same region. I follow you. :)

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Rishaldy Prisly wrote 04/30/2017 at 09:16 point

thanks @Tan Tran Minh we have same purpose by joining HD, to solve the problem. Hope that we can make something together someday. 

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