Flying keyfob
I still have a keyfob camera laying around and always wanted to make it fly. I frankensteined it to make time lapse pictures like a "drop and shoot for hours or days or years" device. would be cool to see it fly from my 18-floor house I live in, using some cellphone wideangle lenses I have to dig out.
Bicycle PC
kind of embarrassing with all that tinkering I never made an arduino based bicycle pc. would be great to store your tracks and times on an SD card and it's just measuring the time between "clicks" from the reed switch. I may have an easy way to interface it with the web without hurdling around with apps, bluetooth and stuff but still be connected to your mobile one direction. All in all a bicycle pc nowadays should not stop there. It should be integrated with it's own power supply, be loaded by you through pedals, control the lights using light sensors and delayed off switching when waiting on a traffic light. It should be working without your cell phone, but even better with it.
Scorcher 6x6
Found my rc car from the 90ies on ebay without any remote. I've already ordered a big motor bridge for the 2 500mA motors and a new battery and probably throw in an arduino with a bluetooth module and recreate the larsson scanner like seen here. There are some parts broken that I have to print in 3D, like a front wheel.
emiglio / emilio
I found it once on ebay and got it for around 10bugs. It's huge! I stripped the electronics from the head to replace it and the 2 shells of the head are fitting my head like a helmet (that's not easy - biiiig head). The gears are broken and I have to make a copy, probably make a silicone mold and cast it in resin, but thats two things i've never done before. I hope to throw in a raspberry pi in there or use my prize from the contest I won on hackaday once (a fubarino). I also found 4 PIR sensors in the garbage, still working (they were black and the house owner wanted white ones I guess) - saved me 20bugs.
solar turtle bot
I want to work with solar cells and 2-3 servos creating a little walking bot that seeks light and stays there and if the light is out it will retract its limbs and head.
tree climbing bot
I'm not sure whether it will jump from branch to branch or use some grappling hooks and other cool stuff... like pretending to be a spider.
I'm ashamed to say that until this year I had almost nothing related to star wars laying around. Since may the 4th there is now a $0 lightsaber built and my project from the ewok movies.
LED matrix stuff
I ordered so many led matrices I wanted to use for clock projects or just liked their form factor so much... I got them in 8x8 and 5x7 in different colors and sizes. This is a stargate atlantis hommage.
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