
Running List of DIY Stickvise Builds

alex-richAlex Rich wrote 09/18/2018 at 12:56 • 5 min read • Like

Tactical Snacks made his own and it appears to be well designed and made from some parts ordered through Protolabs.

A pretty cool Stickvise inspired tool was made by pa4tim in the Netherlands.  His lab is absolutely crazy, looks like he collects and repairs old test equipment as a hobby.  Check out his website if interested:

BottomBottom@Jan posted a killer build (Check out his project here: #Low Profile Vise w/ metal quick change jaws) that uses Stickvise for inspiration. He lives in Germany so the shipping on Stickvise was a little steep, plus he has access to a nice milling machine so it made sense to just build his own. This also allowed him to incorporate several substantial upgrades such as a brass bushing and magnetic interchangeable jaws.

@SUF has come up with two great projects related to Stickvise recently.

The first is a pocket size version of Stickvise called #MobileVise that uses a bolt and nut, a spring and two little 3d prints. When you take it apart, the bolt, nut and spring can be stored inside the jaws which clip together to make a tiny box. You could attach it to your key-chain it's so small!

Yesterday he published another cool design to hold a dirt-cheap $10 microscope on the back of his Stickvise, his project is called #StickScope and provides the 3d files to make one. You'll need some 6mm rod and other misc screws as well, then you'll be up and running for soldering under magnification!

Another cool Stickvise build by @Stefan Lochbrunner made from leftover scraps of his hacked together CNC machine:

#Dougie's Stickvise Ripoff by @doug.metzler is made from 80/20 and what looks like dovetailed HDPE or some other plastic. This is more than just a hack, very nicely made even with what looks like a delrin bushing for the shaft.

#Full Metal Stickvise by @Martijn is by far the most over-the-top I have seen. He machined a bunch of nice brass parts for his.

#Expandable breadboard by @SUF is a pair of giant breadboard jaws for Stickvise, really cool idea.

Wooden Stickvise by Matt is a nice version made from wood scraps, once again just a bunch of junk laying around that was put to good use!

3d printed breadboard springvise by Pat was one of the coolest spins of the idea, this is original enough that it's not even a Stickvise build it's a completely new type of PCB holder. Very cool, it was even featured on Hackaday!


I can't say enough how neat it is to see so many people building off of the original idea of Stickvise!  If you make one, send me a note and I'll add your project here.



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Jan wrote 09/18/2018 at 18:31 point

Nice write-up of all the Stickvise-inspired designs! Love the idea of adapting an already great product to the own needs and you even supporting the cause by promoting them!

Cheers, Jan

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Alex Rich wrote 09/18/2018 at 18:44 point

Thanks Jan!  I love the custom builds, it is really cool how many people have done their own spin of the original design.

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