
Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures

vaibhav-sharmavaibhav sharma wrote 03/06/2019 at 13:00 • 6 min read • Like

The deterioration of the old building and civil Infrastructure can lead to fatal and Hazardous situation. The constant monitoring of these structures is mandatory. Structural health monitoring is an extremely important methodology in evaluating the ‘health’ of a structure by assessing the level of deterioration and the remaining service life of civil infrastructure systems.

Wireless Sensor Networks has been installed in many industrial applications like vibration analysis of wind turbines, vibration analysis of hydro turbines etc. and has done remarkably well in eradicating many of the industrial complications. Measuring the number of vibrations, temperature and other aspects can help us to prevent the damage and deterioration of the infrastructure.

In this blog we will be going through Wireless Vibration and Temperature Sensors and it's advantages in monitoring structural Health. So here we will be demonstrating the following-

Hardware and Software Specifications

Software Specification

Hardware Specification

Wireless Vibration and Temperature Sensors

This is a Long Range Industrial IoT wireless vibration and temperature sensor, boasting up to a 2 Mile range using a wireless mesh networking architecture. Incorporating a 16-bit Vibration and Temperature sensor, this sensor transmits highly accurate vibration data at user-defined intervals. It has the following features :

Guidelines to Check Vibrations

The Vibrations in motors, turbines, civil infrastructures etc. can lead to fatal error and there should be a way to analyse the vibrations before any fatal occurs. A vibrating object experiences varying velocity and varying acceleration. The vibration is expressed as the units of gravitational constant i.e. g = 9.81 m/s2. The vibration in an object depends on many factors like:

To measure the Vibrations accurately, we need to follow these recommended Vibration standards. Using these standards you can predict whether your device is working properly or not:

Getting the Vibration Sensor Values

The vibration values, that we are getting from the sensors are in milis. These consists of the following values

RMS vibration gives the value of Root Mean Square value along different axes which is 0.707 times the peak value. Here we are determining RMS values along different axes

The vibration values, that we are getting from the sensors are in milis. These consists of the following values

RMS vibration gives the value of Root Mean Square value along different axes which is 0.707 times the peak value. Here we are determining RMS values along different axes

RMS vibration gives the value of Root Mean Square value along different axes which is 0.707 times the peak value. Here we are determining RMS values along different axes

Maximum vibration gives the peak to peak value along different axes. Here we are determining maximum values of vibration along different axes

Publishing the Values to Ubidots.

Now to visualize the published data in Ubidots dashboard. we need to add the variables and the widgets to it

Visualize Sensor readings

Email Notification Using Ubidots

Ubidots gives us another tool to send an email notification to the user. We have created an event of temperature alert that is whenever the temperature goes beyond 30 degrees an automated mail will be sent to the user. We also have created an event for vibration. If there is any kind of vibration examined by the Wireless Sensors. An automated email notification will be forward to the user. When it comes back to the normal state another automated mail is sent to the user to notify him/her.



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