
Power analyzer

christoph-tackChristoph Tack wrote 10/20/2019 at 09:26 • 4 min read • Like

After some google searching, I came across the Nordic Semi Power Profiler Kit II.  So why make it when there's already an affordable COTS-solution that has the features I need?  The desktop application runs in Linux as well.

The DIY-route starts here...

One of the applications of a differential voltage probe is to measure voltage over a sense resistor.  For low power applications, the current drawn can be quite small, which leads us to using a high value sense resistor.  Unfortunately this also increases the source resistance of our voltage supply.  So when the current suddenly rises (e.g. because the device wakes up), this might lead to a sharp drop in supply voltage to the device, even powering it down in the worst case.
The Elektor MicroSupply (Elektorlabs 9/10 2019) is Elektor's solution to measure power of low power devices.  It has the following features:

The Elektor designer also thought of using a single instrumentation amplifier with switchable sense resistors, but they didn't see the benefit from it.

Cheaper implementation

Single differential amplifiers with multiple sense resistors

High side potentiostat to overcome the burden voltage (=voltage drop over the sense resistor).

The working principle of this power supply is quite simple.  Some calculations:

So the power supply output voltage is equal to the analog input voltage V1.

The sense resistor R2 is switchable with the gate of M1.  There could be many PMOS-transistor / sense resistor combinations mounted in parallel with M1 & R2.

Low current measuring techniques

Many sources refer to the transimpedance amplifier.  The advantage is that it avoids big sense resistors and big burden voltages.  The disadvantage is that a negative power supply rail is needed.

Commercial solutions



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Christoph Tack wrote 08/05/2020 at 08:27 point

At $8K (, this isn't exactly a bargain.  I don't know about your pockets, buy mine are not so deep to spend that amount of money for hobby purposes.  For professional use however, this would very likely be the way to go.

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seanm23 wrote 08/05/2020 at 07:43 point

How about Keysight N6705 ?

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