An accelerometer/gyro goes onto an Arduino board and transmits the angular motion of the skateboard via bluetooth to a VR game.
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VRBoardUnity.apkAndroid AppAndroid Package Archive - 27.51 MB - 03/04/2016 at 21:48 |
VRinputBytesNew.inoArduino Codeino - 3.45 kB - 03/04/2016 at 21:47 |
VRConnections.jpgConnections!JPEG Image - 463.07 kB - 03/04/2016 at 21:46 |
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how have you done the interfacing of the bluetooth module with the unity
I used the Unity asset called bluetooth for microcontrollers.
Looking for someone good with Unity to collab on a project, if anyone is interested.
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not able to find how to input the data from the bluetooth module to the untiy