
MISC Core Already Sports 8 Instructions

A project log for Kestrel Computer Project

The Kestrel project is all about freedom of computing and the freedom of learning using a completely open hardware and software design.

samuel-a-falvo-iiSamuel A. Falvo II 08/12/2016 at 14:491 Comment

NOP, LIT8, LIT16, LIT32, SBM, SHM, SWM, and SDM are implemented.

NOP is the no-operation opcode, of course.

LITx loads an x-bit literal onto the data stack.

SxM stores a byte, half-word, word, for double-word value to memory.

In a mere five hours of hacking, I successfully got further with the MISC core than with several months of attempted hacking on the RISC-V core. Note that my relative time commitment for both projects is the same.

Once the MISC core is complete, I have one of two options:

Which route I take remains unclear at the moment, but either way, we will see RISC-V compatibility. A lot of factors will enter into the decision: how easily a predecoder can be written, how much effort it takes to write a new MISC assemble, etc.

Right now, the MISC core is architecturally quite similar to the S16X4 family of processors used in the Kestrel-2: three data stack registers, no return stack. However, this will eventually change to 8-deep data and return stacks, with their corresponding stack permutation instructions, thus making it a true Forth-capable CPU. I'll implement those features only when I have a demonstrated need, though. Right now, my focus is making it even minimally Turing complete.


Ed S wrote 09/05/2016 at 07:44 point

A MISC interpretation of RISC-V instruction stream is certainly an interesting idea!

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